Burnout Paradise 3D

This had been hinted at on the Qore special Crash TV episode, but here is a full article from Sky news all about 3D gaming and Burnout Paradise 3D.

SKY Burnout Paradise 3D article

Here is a snippet of the bit about Burnout Paradise 3D:

Racing game Burnout Paradise is one of the first big commercial games to be produced in 3D, using brand new technology. At the moment, it is early days, but game developers are hoping it could transform the market.

"Before we saw it, we were sceptical," says Doug McConkey, of Criterion Games, the people behind Burnout Paradise 3D.

"We were blown away when we saw it. We just couldn't really take it in. Totally unexpected, a really refreshing surprise and something we're really excited about."


donkeythethird's picture

err i wouldnt touch it if it came out it looks like another cg scam were they go over the top ruin the game and charge a ton of money, dont get me wrong cg are brilliant but they dont seem to know where the goal posts are with updates like cagney and davis they never went far enough and know they've got an excuse to go too far