Longy Makes the Front Page!

Over at Criterion Games today, Sarge Sullivan ran the following story about Longy Aus's Amazing 8 x Barrel Roll:

Last week The Sarge brought you a special Surgery focussing on Barrel Rolls.
This week he was planning to answer a few more questions from the Criterion Mailbag but the "Barrel Roll Battle" has turned into a full blown War.

Naturally The Sarge, being the man he is, decided to don his Battle Hat and bring us all up to date on the recent skirmish.

Ten hut! SargeSullivan here, crouched down in a foxhole with cars flying over my head like tracer bullets.
This week has seen some truly outstanding Barrel Rolling action all across Paradise City.
Ever since last week's Surgery where the Sarge told you that the current record for Barrel Rolls is a x6 troops from all over the world have been mailing in with claims of x7, x8 and even a x9!
As I mentioned last week the rules are that you must have a video of you actually doing the roll and landing it for the Sarge, so with that in mind this weeks Barrel Roll record goes to...
LongyAUS with his x8 Barrel Roll at the Lone Peak Quarry using the Carson Extreme Hot Rod.
LongyAUS went hard and went fast and sent The Sarge a link to a video on YOUTUBE that shows him performing the roll and landing it - Search for ‘Barrel Roll x8 Bumper Cam' to check it out.
The bar has been set high troops, can you beat it?
As for LongyAUS - if you can repeat that roll and drive away from it without crashing the Sarge may send you something.
I'm off to apply some more camouflage.
Good luck everyone.
SargeSullivan out.
Good Job Longy!


kevlar0's picture

Way to go dude, fame at last. Mine didn't get a mention though.

He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy.

Longy AUS's picture

 of fame they reckon. lol.

I've just sent the sarge a link to my latest video with an 8x roll that I didn't slam into the wall with. There are a few 8x videos around, so I was a bit surprised mine was the only one mentioned (must have been the bumper cam).
