Burnout Baby

For those of you who don't already know, Xandu and I are expecting a baby in September!

I know we aren't the first Burnout couple, and I'm sure there is probably already a Burnout baby out there somewhere.. but this will be our first Burnout baby!

Do you know any other couple's that met on Burnout? Do you know about any other Burnout babies??

I want to send out a BIG THANK YOU to Criterion Games for making Burnout 3: Takedown for Xbox Live, if it wasn't for that game I wouldn't have met Xandu, I wouldn't be living in Norway and I wouldn't be having a baby!


PsychedelicBabe's picture

omg i never knew and now i do ....... wow that is absolutely gnikcuf amazing news CONGRATULATIONS to you both .... as for burnout couples, the only loved up ones i know of (except you guys) is Hobo and Porno..... but no sound of tiny feet for them ..... YET but who knows.....anyway congrats again and hopefully well race soon 


Xedec's picture

Thats so exiting very happy for you two. Any names picked out?


(People play Road rage on purpose?!!)

(People play Road rage on purpose?!!)

MightyCrow's picture

never thought that people would actually meet up because of XBL and Burnout.

I'm sending you my congratulations on this exciting news

PSN ID: MightyCrow

Linkster's picture

Congratulations.  I wish the best for all three of you

Dodger455's picture

Congrats on the September baby.Love those September babies, because I was one once.I wish you all the best!


Xedec's picture

OK so any way its Baby shower time! lolz!


(People play Road rage on purpose?!!)

(People play Road rage on purpose?!!)