My recovery story...

My name is ZombieTron and I'm a BurnoutAholic. It has been only a few hours since my last online Burnout session, but I am definitely in recovery. I can honestly say I can put down the controller at any time. I swear I am not in denial about this, and my fellow BurnoutAholic friends can back me up on this one!

Paradise was my cure, although this hasn't worked for all BurnoutAholics a year and a half of Paradise therapy has broken my addiction. The 5 GCC packs and 3 car packs have helped to wean me away from my console. I, as a BurnoutAholic am ashamed to say I have only completed 2 of the Island events, and I have no motivation to do more, this must prove that I have been cured! 

Like any addict I will have to be vigilant not to fall back to my addictive ways, the next Burnout game, if there is one, (oh I can feel the tingles coming back to my controller grasping fingers just thinking about it!) may well pull me back to running home so I can start playing quicker then if I was walking. Being unable to resist that "one more race" until you fall asleep on the sofa and wake up still wearing your headset having been booted out of the lobby hours ago.

But, for now, I am free of the addiction and able to go out and enjoy the sunshine without getting the withdrawal symptoms that used to come very quickly if I had not been playing Burnout for a short while.

No series of games has ever affected my life as much as Burnout has. My addiction has passed and I am now able to play when I want to play, in moderation, as part of a balanced healthy lifestyle!


SUFFUR's picture

Well, because I felt it just been baddly cut, and I just can't handle the taste any more...

The Island was too much for me, I've now had a year and a half of dribbling about, and now that the Island has come I feel, 'happy' that I have hot kniefed through it, realised I have over dosed on Crap, and am now looking for a new drug, or maybe I should just quit!

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out? But Boosting has also run dry, and I can't handle the way it all works now, so till next year people, or even later when Criterion make something new, I'm off to play or do something different, like adopt a child then find out how quick I can sell it into a military program to make it a super spy, but still love it like an adopted father, or maybe in a small shoes maker, but will be so good it goes to make shoes for the GOD's of Greece?

See ya all.

PS if I find something to write non-burn I will, just can't be bothered at the mo!

Love ya all. Bye.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Abernyte's picture

I too am a recovering BurnoutAholic. I am now on my fifth day Burnout free. I find myself surprised at how quickly my enthusiasm died off once the Island came out. After waiting so long, and having so much anticipation, it was probably impossible for it to live up to my expectations. Still, having played the game almost every day since March of 2008, I really didn't think I'd just put it down and move on. But that is exactly what I've done. The new love in my life, for the moment at least, is Saints Row 2. Mindless destruction is a nice change.

Maybe I'll hear the siren's song of the dam calling me back to flatspin again someday but for now I'm off to blow up cars and run over pedestrians.

ichienkai's picture

From what Suf told me a while back about the origins of the website, how this truly came about, and Zombies comments about falling asleep and finding yourself booted from a lobby, i'm not suprised a Burnout addiction had to peak and fall.  I hope mine doesnt, Revenge does make me laugh so much, it frustrates me now trying to change the way I race like Nero and others do, to learn and unlearn, to race with crazy speed handicapping racers.  Personally I dont think I'll ever break one single laptime EVER - not with the calibre of racers who have passed by and left their unwashable stains lol Dont care about this, I care about a laugh and meeting people and being kind and being left alone to pass you on Lone Peak and leaving you alone too - I played Revenge and B3 for hours on end before I even thought about going online much to the frustration of my then partner and being online changed the game forever to my delight!

Never wrote much about Burnout Revenge on here, maybe I'll give it a shot soon, I love playing it and I enjoy my friends company so for now I'm happy not to be a huge gamer, just someone who can have an hour of laughs every now and then



--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

Linkster's picture

It may have something to do with the fact that I'm not addicted as such but just really hooked and often go days without playing.  Don't get me wrong it will always be more than just a fallback game for me and is my most played game for my 360 but I think working long hours and having 2 kids make me think of things other than just games.  For me spare time is a scarcity so I have to play games that really float my boat.  Fortunately Paradise is one of those games but atm my focus has shifted to Tales Of Vesperia. 

I still try to fit a fair bit of Burnout in and am trying to push for a Paradsie night on a forum that I help to moderate but it's hard as no one seems to love the game as much as I do.

PsychedelicBabe's picture

hellomy name is psychedelic babe and im a burnoutaholic and im not ashamed of saying it one bit ......... lol i love revenge the same as i always have ..... and i always will ok i get bored but i have succumbed ways around that now ....... and i use my skills and passion to make my play time as enjoyable as possible ...... no one will ever take my addiction away ..... well ok maybe my internet provider or ea if they close the server .... lol but other than that nothing ...... i think its what you make of it ....... if you mope around the lobby worrying about your rank or who you will or wont play you will windup hating the game ..... and thats a fact ...... there are still loads of exciting people playing the game for the right reasons and if you think that revenge is boring and dead then maybe you like many others have lost the passion ....... :)

Nero Angelo's picture

Havent played Burnout since... 6/18/2009.. Went in for 1 set last week, didnt even stay for the entire set cause I felt like disconnecting.. and I did..



"There's Nero, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/ 20/ 2009)

"There's Nero, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/ 20/ 2009)

NIGHTMAR3xGTx's picture

If you find the game boring, then your just not playing the game right.


PsychedelicBabe's picture

thank you at last a revengeaholic ....... lol my new nickname btw :) and i couldnt have worded it better myself .......