Want to get the Xbox update early?

Major Nelson has released details of how you can get into the preview program for the Xbox 360 system update.

for all the details head over to MajorNelson.com

If you are accepted for the preview program there is no going back, and priority will be given to Gold members. They are looking for thousands of candidates, so if you want to see the updates early sign up now!



SUFFUR's picture

And Done, and yes spammers should be Ipeed, lol.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Linkster's picture

About an hour ago.  I never get picked to beta test anything so I'm not holding my breath.

kevlar0's picture

Switched the eggbox on this morning and hey presto, new update, Its just odd n sods really. The really big thing for me is that now I can use my H.D capabilities on my T.V whereas before the only setting for H.D was 480p so i had to use my AV cable to get high def, now you can now change the option and have it in 1080p with an HD lead, yipeee, and you can also purchase props for ones avitar, so I bought the rubber chicken with a wheel on it for 160 m$ points, there is a remote controlled Warthog availible to buy as well at 360 m$ points, theres nothing special about them your avitar just holds them for a seconds then they dissappear. So all in all a bag of shit to be honest.

Paul-Ferrie's picture

Yeah didn't think much of the props. I bought a hat :)

I think there is still a couple of beta updates to comebefore it goes live though

//-- Life of a Glasgow Flash Developer


//-- Life of a Glasgow Flash Developer http://www.scotflash.co.uk/blog

ZombieTron's picture

I like that my Gold Bar states that I have been on Xbox Live for 4 years... although it must be coming up for 5 pretty soon. I also really like that you can now choose to play games from the achievements screen, as it was really wierd and frustrating that you couldn't do that before. But, I don't like the overall achievements screen before the games as I don't play for achievements, I would like to customise the information that is prioritised.

Overall, a couple of neat changes, but mostly just more ways to get money out of us. I don't think I will be buying any clothes or accessories for my avatar, but I guess if you want to spend your money on that kind of thing...