Pregnancy Update

This might be too much information for some of you... but you don't have to read it!

So, I was due on Friday, but ofcourse as 75% of babies arrive after their due date I wasn't expecting much to happen.

I had a "show" on Saturday morning at 5.50 am, and woke Xandu up, all excited as I thought things were happening... hey it's my first baby what do I know???

Sunday night at 8pm I started feeling abdominal contractions... these were really painful and by 1am were only 3 minutes apart and I felt at the end of my tether, so off to hospital we went.

After being examined and only being 1cm dilated I was sent home and told to take Paracetomol for the pain! I was quite dissapointed. I want to meet my baby!

So, now it's Wednesday and I am officially in Pre-Labour, having irregular contractions, which now really hurt in my lower back, all getting my body ready for the real deal! I haven't been able to sleep for long stretches, but have been resting.. still feel completely knackered tho!

Still feels like it could still be days away... so I am bracing myself for a long haul armed with Paracetemol and Hot Water bottles!

We went to the Mid wife today so we know babies heart is strong and healthy, and baby is fully engaged and ready to go! I will keep you all updated!


SUFFUR's picture

But since you are having a baby I'll let you off, {;{).

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Linkster's picture

I assume you have had your baby by now.  I hope that all of you are doing well and are in good health.

mrmean12's picture



Taken down!

ZombieTron's picture

It's a girl! She was born on Friday the 11th of September at 12.34 CET. We just got back from the hospital today, it has been a long and very tiring week!

Thank you for all your congratulations! We are doing fine, and we are very happy to be Burnt Out Burnout Parents!

hn6's picture

 Congrats you two, when are you gonna put up the poll for what we should name her? I would go for Kevlardina every time.

ZombieTron's picture

She is called Frøya, as she is my Norwegian Princess.

hn6's picture

 Beautiful name, but whats her gamertag?

PsychedelicBabe's picture

woo hoo we hav a new burner ...... congratulations to you both ....... i know your both hard at it right now as is hard work ...... but youll both make perfect parents...... her name is fabulous i love it ...... so when does she get her place on here with mummy and daddy..... :) love you both and give the baby a big kiss from me ....... take care both of you and enjoy your bundle of joy ....... well done zombs ;) and i understood totally what you were saying and you did great :)

kevlar0's picture

I'm delighted for the three of you, brilliant news, my child was born by c/section so if you need any advice ask a doctor (on the plus side you won't have a hole like a bucket) lol, and i think fred is a great name for a girl.


Linkster's picture

congratulations.  It's a beautiful name and am glad to hear that you are all doing fine.  When my kids were born I cried like a girl with a skinned knee I was so happy so I know how you feel.

Vlad_the_Impala's picture

My daughter was born nearly 20 years ago, and I remember it like it was yesterday.  There's nothing in the world like having a daughter.

Oh, and she STILL can't beat  my record in the Stunt Run, but she can out race me in any point-to-point race in BP.  We've got it on the PS3 and PC.  I just wish we could play against one another.  She's got to go to her friend's house to do that.

Seriously, I wish you the best with your new baby.