Have an ISSUE and it's driving me round the bend.... regarding MOJO wristbands which I keep rabbiting on about on various social networking websites, my friends on facebook do not seem to understand my emphasis on this particular little item.


Yes I will accept I'm a little bit crackers, accept the fact that I have certain ideas about the World and the way things are.... at the end of the day (hate that statement) the World is what it is and my views are certainly not dissimilar to that of others, trust me :)


Now please allow me to explain in real depth how people can benefit from wearing one!!!!!!!


The demonstration is all over the web, all over it like a rash and it's easy, convincing and REAL; works on 95% of people. I will let you do your own searches, don't be lazy kiddo :)


The most simple benefit from a Mojo is improved balance. Immediate improvement. Read that again please. Immediate improvement. Soon as that Little Holographic is sat nicely against your pulse on your wrist, IMMEDIATE IMPROVEMENT. See why I don't get the “Nah not interested” reaction??


When you research deeply you will find the truth of what the Holographic disc does to your inner balance, that's right, your CHI.


Your body runs at a certain frequency. Everything around you runs at a different frequency. If you are not wearing a Holographic disc on a Mojo or similar product, then there is nothing stopping those outside frequencies affecting your internal frequency. Outside frequencies influence your own in such a detrimental fashion as to upset your balance, strength and overall peace, amongst other things. Was talking to a female friend on the web and she told me recently she can blank a TV out, you know like when her young daughters watching and she's reading a book of something. Truth seems to be that you might think you can blank that but your bodies frequency would tell you differently.


The MD of the company had suffered from back pain for YEARS until he put one on and I didn't find that out off the internet, had long talks with these people after emailing them and saying “WTF has happened to me, please let me sell these things” (concise layman terms) lol Found not only my balance has improved but I feel stronger, have increased energy and regeneration rates from fatigue have quickened dramatically and that's where it benefits the Motorcycle Industry of all things!!


Motocross riders are now, upon wearing a band, not suffering with a major issue they deal with: “Arm Pump”. You can imagine what arm pump is.... all those dirt track little jumps and bumpy tracks cause fatigue to all the muscles in your arms and wrists after a time, not any more mate.


I really could have been one of those cowboys in the 1800's with a cart and a horse selling Miracle Elixers??! lmao


These bands hit the surfing market around a year and a half ago? A surfer is gonna LOVE a bit of increased balance? So David Beckham got slagged off for wearing 4 of 'em, think Tiger woods uses them, Darts Players, Snooker players. And who'd a guessed: only makes you ride better on any kind of Motorcycle. Now you know why I wanna sell 'em, because I wear one and I'm not stupid or blind.


I was talking to a chap about these things just this week. He listened with bemusement and a smile, big farmer, rugged adventure type bloke. When we stopped discussing it he laughed and said yeah I've learned a lot about frequencies recently because my daughter is suddenly paralysed from the waist down. Apparently there is new technology out there in the form of a “Morah” or Mora” machine developed in Germany? This technology can tap into your frequency, read it and I think diagnose issues or tell you were a problem lies technically, kinda medically but not quite?


It's next on my list of research ;)


So, questions gotta now be, is this thing a Placebo and masses of people are hallucinating, seeing and feeling things differently? Is it too “Herbal Remedyish” to be taken serious? Dunno, really. All I know is that I feel better than I ever could possibly have before so if it's a Placebo? Whatever. It still only cost me £29.99?


The deal I strike will mean my family members with say an ailment or a constant ache or insomnia will be potentially “cured”? At half the price so F*** it and be damned, I'm serious about it!


Hope that didn't come across as a rant or anything I'm just passionate about how to help people in all aspects of life and so far this is the best thing I have WITNESSED and experienced, they are great. Oh yeah and the technology in the band was developed by NASA in the 1960's to combat motion sickness. So I guess if you suffer from travel sickness then this is the thing for you too! It's not called MOJO for nothing, want yours back? Be good people, peace.





TheGaroMan's picture

I know this is a personal blog, but really??

ichienkai's picture

Spam???? I know what spam is pal, this was for my friends and If you don't know me well... probably about time you looked back instead of the foot in mouth thing, thank you, big smile :)

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

ichienkai's picture

You'll probably never read this Garo person because much to my now dismay this will be taken off here by either Xan or Zom but it's people like you that I'm trying to inform about a legitimate product that actually helps people rather than hinder and I get the Spam shit? Dude, only trying to help and help me by god that does not exist YOU are the type of person who is blind to the metaphorics of it all, the Beauty of the selflessness. A different day I may have reacted differently but not today pal

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

SUFFUR's picture

it is also a personal blog, by our mate Ichi, true it could have been put in the forum of anything goes, but again ichi seem possessed beyond normal, mean the band is affecting him, or effecting either way glad you found your balence.

I assume like but unlike quartz, this band has a set frequency, or mimics your positive frequency?

Please witch doctor of wrist bands, do your voodoo and explain this scientific device and sell me this shit, or send me one you know my address and i to can become a believer and do the dance like a loon around my totem pole?

Plus it has been very quiet around here... a good rant might start the rivalry off for NFS:HP!

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?


Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

ichienkai's picture

Would love to have these things in my hands, if only for friends, family and STAFF in our Bike Industry but for now Suf, trust me; think of it as a Mojo, s'all it is, really Giving you your Mojo back. I were you's I'd take the calculated risk despite the spam??? possibilty. Still annoyed

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

ZombieTron's picture

If it is in your blog and you are a regular, trusted member of the community you can pretty much type and link to whatever you want as long as it follows our terms of use.

The forums are more for short questions and debates.

This definitely belongs in your blog Ichi, and you know you are more than welcome to contribute any content you like to our site.

More on site topic tho... what do you think of the Need For Speed demo?

ichienkai's picture

Yes I do like the demo, kinda boring being constant police but you get a feel of what's to come so definately more expectations and possible excitement overall. Online could be such a laugh with friends and I hope that one way or the other I get to race the folk I've Revenged against, coz honestly that's all my Burnoutness in a nut shell, Revenge/Laughs :)

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

ZombieTron's picture

It's not just the cop event, there is an out and out race event too, you have to have a friend who has played the demo too (which you do). So, you should have access to a race event too.

I think NFS:HP is more similar to earlier Burnouts than Burnout Paradise was, so I hope all the old skool Burners join us on NFS:HP!

hn6's picture

 Not looking for a fight, just presenting some alternative views on this technology for those who wish to have a fuller understanding of why it may work and the previous iterations.

Warren Hanchey, the founder of mojo, has sold various similar solutions before (Lifewave,CieAura,8ight) all with similar claims. Some of which have not stood up to a blind test, as seen here.

There is a very real risk that some of these businesses are or will become Ponzi Pyramid Schemes so please be careful in your dealings with them.

For those interested in why the bracelet  may work you could check out this article on the science of the Placebo effect.

ichienkai's picture

... in a tight spot that one.  Did I blog because I'm involved in like you say, a Ponzi Scheme, or because I felt the benefits were genuine? You know me well enough that I try to keep my eyes wide enough to sift through the BS to find the truth HN6 but I do thank you for your research mate.  Right to have skepticism about something that could be deemed a "Snake Oil" or New Age Technology product.

Yes even after a brief search on Warren Hanchey I've found a load of detrimental reports and the blind test suprised me because I have seen the demo and demonstrated it (differently) myself.  All I can say is: I'm wearing one and I'm benefitting from wearing one. Ridden bikes for nearly 20 years and forgive the ego but I was a natural to begin with, to now see improvement in my stability, control and observations in a three week period after riding almost every day since I was 15? Just one thing I've noted about myself since.  So that's enough, I did say I wanted it to be the last thing I said about the damned things so my "blog" was born of frustration as James would say. We know which side of the fence I'm on.  Lol a friend actually thought I'd joined a cult seeing the change lmao Yes and gimme some Scientology too please!!

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

SUFFUR's picture

 Do they do headbands as it is my mind that needs balance, lol. And another thing, if these are so great why did you get upset? You now have permission to talk about it from the Creators so spill the beans about this product? Or is it for people that walk the tight rope of life?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

ichienkai's picture

Was upset because for the first time in my life something I wrote was deemed spam. Having read it over again, Yup, looks like I'm trying to sell you one doesn't it? I'll be back later to tell you how I feel since having worn one if you want Suf? Just going looking for Fable III

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

ichienkai's picture


First can I tell you a quick story? Cant stop me I know but you can skip to the Mojo bit if you want. Just want you to get a feel of where I am and what I've been doing and will whole heartedly continue to do.


Story is about a friend who was very passionate about life. Got beaten down in his 30's and seriously injured by a bunch of lads, perhaps deservedly so. Complete change from being outgoing, handsome and healthy, well built lad... to closed curtains and talking to his dogs. So we now have a man who frequently panic attacks around folk when suddenly confused, so much medication for the pain that his spirit is bent all out of shape, not a man any more, chaps a walking pharmacy and a huge ball of fear.


He found something that's not readily available on the market, a herbal remedy shall we say and this changed his focus. He became a Philosopher and an inventor. His first invention was for the Arms Industry and I won't tell you what it was on here so you gotta have a bit of trust and believe what I'm saying is true.


His partner was a bit of a dope and when he took it to A Massive Arms Convention in the US (My friend couldn't travel that far for the above reasons) he sold the patent for a minuscule percentage of what it was potentially worth without consulting with my friend. My pal had all his hopes and dreams (so did his wife and family at this point) pinned on something that when it quickly officially hit that industry was billed as “The most innovative product to hit the Arms Industry in YEARS”. And my friend has never even fired a weapon.


So now you have an already broken man who was getting back on his feet slowly but surely smashed against the rocks of life because of one stupid human decision, not one of his choosing. That's called pissing something up against a wall, if not cruel and unjust.


This man walked into my bike shop with his two teenage daughters on a Saturday at around 4pm when I was due to close up. For my sins, this time is the best time to catch me during the working week; if you ask for discount or a freebie you will most likely get one and it's easy enough to figure out why lol


Anyways I thought not much of it, only that I had met some really nice people (girls were shy but hey that's life) and I knew he'd be back coz that's what these folk (love em' all) DO! They come back to see me and experience the shop. What I didn't know about this man of course is his history and how damned hard it was for him to venture out. This is turning into a long story but hell, if you can read, I can type and Blonde Redhead radio is on Last FM so I have time...... :)


Our friendship blossomed awwww Turned into a quick brew at his or mine or at the shitty unit where he was rebuilding his first motorcycle and that's only one of the interesting things about this bloke. How was I to know that this bloke who looked like an experienced motorcyclist had only been riding bikes for the last 18 months?? I wasn't. Bit of a shock seeing as he had bought a second motorcycle and completely rebuilt it himself from the ground up without a pennies worth of mechanical knowledge – that's including the engine stripped and rebuilt to a fine tune even bettering Yamaha's idea of how this engine was built and performed – that's f****** beautiful, tell me it isn't!


See, the man was broken inside, he trusted his family and that was it and he dared to venture and he found me. Right I've drifted. What I'm trying to convey is that trust is of the essence and if you don't have it then what?


Been naughty and influenced him into drinking again (not a drop since the accident) and introduced him to the finest people around who are under the radar where herbal remedies are concerned. My new boss said it so succinctly the other day: you look like one of the shiftiest bast**** I've ever met, and he aint wrong unfortunately :) So now he has frequent stay overs where we talk all night about life, that's what is interesting and sometimes he will say something that stops you dead, like it was written in ancient books from antiquity LOL No shit


Point is this, he said “This place (my gaff) is like a Hotel for the Deranged, it's just motorcycles, peace, herbs, beer and philosophy, what an escape”. My close circle of friends would only agree as I do :)


Now you know where I am coming from. I help people to gather their MOJO and to experience peace because I can so forgive me, The Garo Man, if my reaction was explosive but that's what I do, help people and if anyone upsets the peace I will go off like a firework. Oki Doki, Mojo for the last time.


Time to be a bit Frank with you, not Susan. The history I know is that somebody high up in the company bumped into John Shirt Jnr. We call him Shirty. Shirty owns Gas Gas UK which is a Trials motorcycle manufacturer of the finest Ilk, on a par with Honda UK and Beta, if you know the Trials market you are with me on Shirty. Remember that old program years ago in the UK, was it called Kick Start or something?? Lads and Gals on Trials bikes trundling over logs on pivots like see saws? Jumping up 10 foot rocks, BALANCE being of the essence?? That's called Trials and no I have no interest in it whatsoever, even though we were a Gas Gas dealer back in the day – unfortunately Trials lads are tight as hell like Cameron in Ferris Buellers Day off with the diamond thing up his arse ha!


So a chance meeting – don't know the details – and there you have it, Shirty is selling Mojo's in all of his UK branches. Now there are 65 Motorcycle Dealerships in the UK displaying and selling (like hot cakes) these Mojo Bands. WE are the official importer of MV Agusta motorcycles into the UK. I once did a blog that included MV Agusta riders being totally top end of the sports market – I wasn't wrong it seems, how ironic I should find this out the way I did on a personal level.


Now you probably realise why I want the thing in our group as we have seven dealerships that are going to expand if the powers that be play the market right. MY MOJO experience is where I'm gonna be Frank.


A rep called in to see me and one of the first things he said to me was why are you not wearing one of these yet? My interest piqued (after telling me who is stocking them and why) I let him do a demo on me and here I stress, this did not work on me but I wanted one and that day went looking in town to see if anyone was selling them; no-one was, and if I want something I want it there and then :(


Ordered and It finally arrived and straight on my wrist. Was too tight!! Gave me pins and needles on left hand. Tried the right hand... pins and needles! F***, bought a ladies size or something...... then it went away and here's Frank: Random... how can we say Stiff things of a lovin' nature? Nah. Erm piss prouds? Nah only blokes should get that. Dunno how to say it without saying it damn it? Well hopefully I'm not going too fast and you get the jist hopefully??


That night I slept like a baby. Always suffered from insomnia, usually have to combat it with a few beers, whatnot, make me drowsy from a mind working overtime. And finally here's where I feel benefits Suf.


Will blow my own trumpet, if I have not already here today. I'm good at what I do and the next day I felt more focussed in my job, a bit more objectiveness, like HN6 did over the bands, taking a step out of the box and looking at the whole picture. I wanted to have ideas on overall performance related improvement for a clean ship and I've since had them and they are working or will work. The easy words to say are that I had improved balance for one, seen and felt within my bike riding; now I feel like Lieutenant Dan on top a mast on his Shrimp Boat in a downpour shouting Bring It ON! Haha


My Energy has increased and like I said before regeneration from fatigue is definitely there and evident in the markets they have now reached. I have more strength, believe that or not. Have not enjoyed food in the longest time and that's also changing unexpectedly. I was always very complimentary in the way I approach people, if it's deserving, and that has also taken a change for the better so I'm not talking about just simple words like balance and focus, I'm talking about a persons general well being and drive to do what they are doing and now to be even more Frank, I've had enough of this!


I ain't no parrot and all the evidence is out there, be it negative or whatever. What I simply know is that it has helped me focus and whether that is a placebo or not, I don't care. I tried the demo on my mother who works very hard in her life, school of hard knocks so a little bit frail and she bent like a two bob bit when I showed her balance without one; put a band on her and she was hard as a rock. Solid. Now I'm off for some Fable so big smile and this probably didn't persuade you one way or the other and perhaps I should stop writing with the personal touch but I just don't care anymore :) peace


--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

oO EezO Oo's picture

Its brain food ...


Spam is something that gets sent out to millions and quadra-hep-zillions of people advertising some hair restoration or pencil enhancing pills or something that noone wants but gets sent to you anyways ... (go check you're inbox) - Or something that comes in a can and smells really bad.


This is more like brain food, and you need to click on the link voluntarily to get to the topic anyhow.  So, I thought it was an entertaining read.  I feel much more balancier now.

CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!


CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!


ichienkai's picture

It's all about the LOLZ :) And thanks Eezo, now you know if you ever visit north UK that I have spare rooms in a cottage frquented by insane bikers, you'll fit right in!


--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

TheGaroMan's picture

To be honest with you, I can sometimes be very abrupt with the decisions I make, like I was when I wrote that comment. As soon as I saw the price tag you wrote, my internet mind ordered me to instantly think "ZOMG SPAMS!!1!".  You might think of me now as a hater, but I don't like to classify myself as that, though sometimes I let my dumb thoughts get the better of me. I respect peoples' opinions on things like this, even if I don't necessarily believe them myself. Hell, I might as well order one of these things from the shopping channel right now!

Anyways, sorry again. I didn't mean to be the spark of a wildfire, although it was probably entertaining for people not involved.  You kind of taught me a lesson too...

ichienkai's picture

Shouldnt even be in a position to have to so that's my fault.  You did burst my banks for a second tho but guess that's just the whole peace game, damn I'da made a good hippie lol Truth is we BurnoutAholics should be welcoming towards each other, not standoffish. That's not how something is built ya know? So I should apologize to both you and the creators. Do I think you are a hater? No. More like a man (if indeed you are a man) who can stand up for himself and hold his hands up at the same time and be eloquent about it, not easy to do. So write more!  Oh and The Mojo is up to you, look 'em up and see if they are going to any shows like in any of the markets you may be interested in, say sports or yoga or fitness, karate, whatever. Never know, they may hit the Games Industry, doubt it but hey, works on me. 

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

Nero Angelo's picture


Kiss, make up, and sing Kumbaya...



"There's Nero, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/ 20/ 2009)

"There's Nero, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/ 20/ 2009)

ichienkai's picture

Concise there Mr Angelo (Ichi claps hands in Glee) Big SmilEy

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--