E3 Excitement

E3 is fast approaching and we are hoping to hear something from Criterion Games from the expo. Today, @GeneralCusster tweeted a teaser:

LA flights and hotel booked for @TheWebsterHoff @SargeSullivan and me.

I hope they all have a lovely time in lalaland! :)


Xedec's picture

I cant wait to go! im so excited!!

(People play Road rage on purpose?!!)

ZombieTron's picture

You have to let us know what you see! Especially if you get to say Hi! to any of the Burnout Team! :)

Have a great time Xedec!

SUFFUR's picture

like a video of u owning the new game, lol, i did that with NFS.

And Great work on SSX dude some great times, shame no online racing, i could learn buckets but also give u a good slap for being so good, lol, that's what we need battle SSX lol.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?