FPS = First Person Sickness

I tried out Halo 3 last night but unfortunatly as I suffer from FPS after about half an hour of playing I began feeling nauseus and dizzy and was not able to play much longer.

I have suffered from FPS ever since DOOM was released and it has hampered my gaming career. I have not been able to play fast paced first person shooters for extended periods of time. Some have far worse symptoms then others and my symptoms from Halo 3 have been the worst I have experienced for some time.

Other recent attacks have been from Perfect Dark, the demo for Bioshock, and the Darkness demo got me too even though I wasn't playing it myself!

Tom Clancy games don't appear to have the same effect and I can happily play Rainbow Six or Ghost Recon for hours without feeling the need to lie down in a darkened room.

Does anyone else suffer from this affliction? Does anyone have any tips which might help to alleviate my symptoms? I will try taking motion sickness tablets before I play Halo 3 again, I will let you know how I get on!


BootlegGiant's picture

hahaha coming from a person who is a Burnout addict..

----Insert witty comment----

Xedec's picture

boot thats not funny i have heard about this fps(first person sickness) its real! moe people get out of it! some dont some times motionsickness pills do work! hope thoughs work for you zombie!!


The harder to play every game makes you more a winner the cheating to the top!(it's like the needler got on Steroids!)

(People play Road rage on purpose?!!)

ichienkai's picture

I 've heard of this too dude i just think Boot means the speed of the game - i do hope there is something out there that can help solve the FPS thing though Zombie!

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

oO EezO Oo's picture

Yeah, its a real thing.  If you want to experience it for yourself try the free demo of Marathon: Durandal off the marketplace.  I clipped in a few comments from IGNs review of the game, I guess it made pretty much everyone who played it get sick.  I've heard a lot of people usually get it pretty bad playing FPS's where there is snow falling in the level or they're in tight confines or hallways.  From the IGN review...

"But be warned, though Marathon is fun, it may turn your stomach. Marathon's bonus XBLA feature is motion sickness."

"The 60fps allows Marathon to run at a lightning speed. You'll be amazed just how quickly you can zip around a level. But that speed also comes at a cost. And that cost is a very rare sensation in videogames -- motion sickness. Because of the tight confines of the levels and the ease in which you can get lost, quite often you may find yourself running about, turning quickly, and watching as the world begins to spin. Though I had a blast playing Marathon, I can't deny that more than once I felt like throwing up. And I'm not the only one. All four IGN editors who played Marathon for more than 15 minutes began to feel ill. In fact, just thinking about the game is starting to bring back my lunch."

"If you have a strong stomach and can survive the dizzying aspects of Marathon, you'll find an exceptional game. A little seasickness didn't stop me from powering through one of the longest offerings on XBLA, so most people should be okay so long as they take occasional breaks or some Dramamine."

"it's impossible to ignore the fact that everyone who has played Marathon has gotten nauseous. I've never seen this happen with a game before, but obviously anything that leaves people feeling worse than when they booted it up, can't get a very enthusiastic thumbs up."

Or you could read the whole article here.


" Ooh ooh ooh......VERTICAL.......sweeeeeeeeeeet! "

CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!


Xedec's picture

yeah i guess your right some times i go so fast on burnout the screen shakes like crazy does any one else get that i uess its called speed wable!


The harder to play every game makes you more a winner the cheating to the top!(it's like the needler got on Steroids!)

(People play Road rage on purpose?!!)

BootlegGiant's picture

Are you being serious or are you taking the piss, and as for you Sonic sometimes the screen on Revenge does shake, your not sick


----Insert witty comment----

thephilofwar's picture

This was an issue for me as well in Call of Duty 2 and Marathon: Durandal, and I didn't buy Marathon because of it. Try adjusting the game's sensitivity of the game's horizontal/vertical axis... I find that lower sensitivy settings help to reduce this problem, though your turning and movement in game will be slower. That's a small price to pay though in order to be able to play without feelings of dizziness or sickness, though I still cannot play CoD2 for lengthy periods of time.

I still have not fully completed Call of Duty 2 becuase of this... it's too difficult to play it on the higher difficulty settings when you've turned down the aiming sensitivity.


This is the truth that I am revealing before you! Behold; those who hear me now, have got ears to hear from!


Made you look

BootlegGiant's picture

Urm I have played Marathon on Arcade I don't know if there is two of them but the one I played neither made me sick or dizzy, bored yes, I cant play games like GOW, DOOM 3, Quake 4 not because of this phantom FPS but because they scare the crap out of me I did a Co-Op with a friend (cant remember the game) and he was in hysterics as I screamed like a female (hey it was dark) I cant even watch Horror films and had great problems with Shaun of the Dead, has anyone seen Two Pint of Lager and a Packet of Crisps when they had that Halloween edition were they turned into Zombies, yep I cowered behind a very large cushion


----Insert witty comment----

ZombieTron's picture

I really LOVE scary movies, tv shows and games but I really hurt my knee when I played the original Tomb Raider game on PC. I jumped out of my skin when a wolf attacked me and I kicked the underside of my desk! That game had some surprisingly scary moments!

Thank you all for your advice about getting rid of my sick feeling when playing Halo. I turned the sensitivity down and really enjoyed playing it last night.

--- The Original and the Best ---

hn6's picture

For me it was the dogs coming through the window in resident evil, after you pass! - The really cool thing was that when I played it years later on the gamecube they changed it so the dogs didn't come.................until you went back through the corridor - aaaaaagh.


50 Hurtz

ZombieTron's picture

Yep the Dogs on Res Evil was a really good JUMP! moment. I first saw someone else play it before I had a go, and I really didn't want to have to go down that corridor again!

--- The Original and the Best ---

SUFFUR's picture

Crackdown caused my neck to ache as i kept looking up all the time, and Golden Eye from the N64 cause me to walk the streets looking for CCTV cameras and wanting to shot them! And Burnout, with a good sound track/music makes me drive too fast in real life. While in Singapore, they drive on thier 'motorways', like we do on Burnout, all lanes are for use, none of that slow lane malakey, over take, undertake, switch lanes to your pleasure, but one funny thing is that comercial vehicles have limiters and a flashing light onto top of the trucks and vans, so if they go over 50 kmh, the light flashes and a beeping noise goes off in the cab. Even taxis have them if they go over 70kmh, or it could be mph i can't remember?!? Its been a month,and 20 years, lol.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

drunknnumpty's picture

so been thinking about this since i read it.. and it has made me question what sort of person this affects.. personally i have never had any sort of motion sickness.. even the sway effect on the aliens game on the PS1 (? can't remember for certain) didn't cause a problem.. if fact i really enjoyed the sensation of going from side to side while walking down a dark scary corridor..


so is it something that affects the female of our species more than the male? could it be to do with the fact the male brain has better spacial awareness (in general) compared to the female brain.. thoughts?? maybe even a poll to get views one this.. maybe we can sort funding to discover what causes it and find a cure so Zom can come play with us with out making her white controller nicely technicolour..


Zom, try drinking ginger beer while playing halo.. i've heard ginger is good for motion sickness...


theres a thin line between genius and insanity... i think i've fallen off...

theres a thin line between genius and insanity... i think i've fallen off...

ZombieTron's picture

I have always suffered from Motion Sickness, long car trips and long haul flights used to be extra interesting when I was little! But, I have grown out of chucking up in the back of the car and now its only virtual motion that gets to me! But, turning down the sensitivity settings seems to alleviate the worst of it.

--- The Original and the Best ---