SUFFUR's blog

Flat Out Ultimate Carnage-Stop gap.

The game is great fun, like Burnout 3 Takedown, Crash and Burn, Forza, Dirt and a bit of Mario Party thrown in, will keep me going till Burnout Paradise is out(DEC07). Worth getting, funny and easy to pick up if you have played any driving game, a great fix, over Revenge, also i have a Number 1 time on the figure of 8 course, will not last long i think i can knock 2 seconds of me time, so someone will beat me. Well worth £27, though to you £35. 8 players on-line, mini games and cars blow up to 40 pieces, with flames and concussion,  only 40 less than BO Paradise.

The drunk and suf meet up No 7 or is it?

Too gone to write, to be remembered at another date, and updated. And write about the previous 6 or is it?.

Late nite, before sleep.

Well, I wrote a very interesting review/comment on the Burnout 2 'Point of Impact', in the Burnout 2 section of this web site, but due to a Ghost in a Shell situation, it has been lost. It was one of my best works and it is no-more, like a dead parrot.

Modding, and .....

700,000 people were kicked of live for modded boxes, last week and the number is climbing, that means 700,000 new 360s will be sold, more M$ dollars, but the modders have got round it, so i hear and thats sad, but they just never die they just mod themselves into rocks, Weather out the storm and get a new mod.


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