SUFFUR's blog

It's big, I was angry, read at your own pace and pleasure, if you get any, and comment when indicated, It's a Blogticle...

 Or BlogTannic? My Blog Population: 1.

Have not written stuff in a while, well I did but lost it due to internet failing!

One of the things I wrote was on the Criterion Forums about the... the look of the game, and that has been lost to the ‘ghost in shell’, long may she, use the information to become more ‘human’, but not a god (see below).

Well if you don't know, but you can guess where me and drunk are and daylight2night

We are on a burnout meet up, with citysurferboy and the champagne supernova, lol.

The world of Amsterdam is awesome, you have to play burnout with the people and the trams, taxi's and bikes and other people trying to focus on safe haven. The whole town is a burners paradise. And a taxi ride in a merc sports is awesome too. Van Gogh picture gallery, was a place where we lost people, they were very nice pictures, to stay and watch what your mind did with them. And trams are interesting, too, getting thrown around the back of one of them, trying to sit down is very funny.

My Impression of Paradise. And what I have learned, while there.

Learn to swear well. As repeating yourself gets boring? It use to be Tourettes Tuesday, now it’s every day, in this toreutic (to work with metal, I found this while looking up how to spell the other T-word, it was not there or I’m going to learn how to spell non-phonetically, lol) type game.

Got Paradise, got a fuse and my HD TV is working for now...

I now hope it all works, got my stores in, fizzy drink, and quick meals, snacks etc, so ready for the marathon that will be Burnout Paradise.

Now to put my disk in, so I can move into the flat near the Pizza Place where I have applied for a Job as the PIzza Delivery Boy for Paradise City and it's outskirts.

See you all later, now to find the best Pizza delivery routes and to get them there in time to get bigger tips?

Inside the 360 some articles.


Read an ‘open’ 360 feature and thought I would put it on here...with other articles about the 360's working or not workings, lol. Some of these are old articles but new to me, and maybe you too, the reader.  

Help I've gone back in time

Burnoutaholics must be under site fixing, as I have gone back in time to my last blog of the 205, all others are not here, lol. Caching, is that the right, world can really throw a guy, I though I dreamed the last couple of weeks, months, which really messed me up, lol. Especially after the talk I had with some guy just now. Anyway what date does this blog come into will it be read as its weeks old or is it new, lol. Anyway enough time travle must go and do another write up I have been thinking about for a couple of dayz, so Back to the Future, see you all on the other side.

Just a heads up, Burnout 3 Takedown is going to be released On MOnday the 14 of Jan 08

As said on Major Nelson.

Which is nice, but I know that there was some doubt about this and people have now bought disks, lol.

News just in; Demo updated for 8 player or variants of...

Which is nice, more challenges, sa'wheat. So as of tommorrow , the 4th till the 14, 10 days later, we get 2 to 8 players online, a lag test probably, and other tests.


see you suckas online.


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