SUFFUR's blog

XCock Live as said by Trixie. And F-bombs from the Major, lol.

For us Europeans and the rest of the World, who don't have a tag connected to the American side of Xbox Live and thier "whats in your Xbox" feature on the dash, here is a link to the blooper reel, very funny, worth a watch.

And what happen to my signature, 'Du, when did I break that?

Cheese is good for you, in regulated doses.

The Magic That is Xbox Live

Some have noticed that Xbox live is having issues’, and people are working on it, e, and his people, and the community leader, Major Nelson, for giving updates, and giving e a back rub as he works. When Live does go down, people do notice and other people have contacts, like the Major, Trixie, AceyBongos, and there are hundreds of other working for MS and Live, that were getting messages, with people saying XBox Live is Broken. Everyone, who needed to fix it was at work, through the entire situation, from before xmas to now and beyond.

Paradise, the demo, a review

This is a long one, so read as and when, it is an open world after all.

Arh... Burnout 2 Point of Impact, now playable on the 360, fracking sa'wheat, Hot Rods trying to...

...Mount you from the start line, thinking of buy ing some Sellotape to stick my A Button down, to forget about boost jumping and do boost chains, 8 so far, but when I got my first triple, I almost cried. My first boost start, leaving the AI way behind on the first race, going oncoming, and wanting to flash the other drivers back with headlites, so they would crash, instead of scaring the Ba'Jesus out of me, so I crash, trying to take another racer down, which is hard, you have to push them into traffic, do i bother with manual or stick with automatic?

Doing the Paradise news hunt and found this page and video, which looks sweet

You get to see the city scapes and a number of cars and crashes, i had not seen it before and the sound track is cool too. got it from a link in

I have no broadband.

It's bad if your xbox 360 is in for repair, and you have to wait for it, but if you have no broadband, it get scarey. Withdrawl is painful, like giving up hard drugs, hopefully back on on staurday, but still got the shakes, and blurred vision. Also due to a room move around, did my back in again, and couldn't walk for 2 days, but needed to leave to contact people and find an internet connection, to sort my mail and find work. Can't write any more, bye till after my net is back.

The further adventures of the Criterion 205.

While I upload pictures, to a friends ISS site on Facebook, my old school, I will try to remember who I raced with and how bad and good I was,But foloowing Zombies thread, yes it was great to be back on Burnout 3. But those voice coms are very quiet, any thing can be done about this? We had Evil Kon, Unhingedrisky his nee name, by the way, Zombie, drunk, and someone else, own up in a comment if you can?

Retro Thoughts and a long comma'd flash back, sorry Frozen and others, who thought, but never said it!

For some reason, last night,  I was thinking (yes still capable) about a Burnout Track that you can't crash on, you know, a semi-tube track, like a side-ways C, and you race down the middle, but as you do corners you go up the side, then you have jumps,  over gaps and different paths of sideway C's.


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