
Burnout CRASH! BIG Blog!

OK, so I have a bit more time this morning to give a slightly longer impression of Burnout CRASH!

Thanks to SUFFUR for the link, we now have some gameplay footage up on the site HERE

On first watching this footage, whilst being distracted by my energetic toddler, I thought "hmmm this just isn't Burnout". But, as (sadly) I have come to expect that from Criterion Games, I took a second look without any preconceptions.... and it looks a lot of FUN!!!

Burnout Crash Speed Blog

OK, so we now have more details about Burnout Crash. Xandu wrote a super quick story this morning before he was able to read more details. I am in the process of editing that story and putting some flesh on the bones as I go through all the other bits and pieces about the game I can find.

So, the story will be changing throughout the course of the day.

As I am at home looking after a toddler, I will be doing edits as and when I get a minute.

Drifting online record

 hello everyone my name is TouringOak4 i am going to be breaking a new highest drifting records of all time on Burnout paridise and wish for every1 support i am going to do the drifting record 5 days flat and some help with my redbull lol to keep me alive and awake. and i will show you my evidence when i have done so as i be soing this i will not be able to sleep as if i do then well my drifting will stop and may have to restart .


 drifting for 5 days stright and no sleep !!!!!  


hall of fame

please tell me why everybody including me has been removed from the hall of fame, tell me why please. i think thats out of order all the hard work i put in to it, just to be removed.


Screen shots Coming Soon!

 Hey guys I am back again been getting some screen shots for the Film and will be posting them in a few weeks. Still trying to get more Room time in the green room. Still I would love to hear what you guys have to say. Anything I should add or do for it? I want some insite from everyone. This will be our movie and I want you guys to also get credit for it.

How to Play Burnout Dominator

As a true addict I've been spending hours today on reading up on Burnout. While searching on Google I stumbled on this article about Burnout Dominator on WikiHow. Due to it's amazing quality it was good for a laugh:

For example

Salvaged from the Xbox Forums

I guess I will need to update the links page too, didn't think about that til just now.... Anyway, this is what I am blogging about; have now gone live with their redesigned forums. Nobody seems to like the redesign and it means that EVERYTHING you ever wrote on the forums will soon be deleted and gone forever.

Lobster Monsters!

Thanks to Cube tweeting about it, I have read the ESRB summary for Burnout: Crash.... here it is:


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