
Bang! Bang!...........

Bang! Bang!.... you shot me down, Bang! Bang!.... you shot me down, Bang! Bang! Zooommmmbbbiiiiieeee shhhot me down.

Oh dear oh dear it would seam that I have broken a couple of the rules, never mind thats what they are there for......

My Bro is going.

My brother goes back to Aussie today but via Sydney, then back to Perth, Boot, right then left or east then west of Australia, . I have had a good time with him, though he seemed to go to the gym a lot and met up with old friends. I met up with my Step Grandma and her oldest son and his wife and daughter. I must say the daughter was very entertaining, she is only a young child, but she has a very interesting mind and can do stupid voices like me, so we had fun.

Updates 23-08-2007

I added PMs to today. It is a feature we have wanted to add for I while and today I finally got around to do it. You have all gotten your own inbox. It is available from your personal menu as "My Inbox". From my inbox you can also send new messages to any registered user on

I also deleted a couple of users today that had not activated their accounts. Users that have not activated their account within a week will be deleted.

Crash FM

For those who don't already know Criterion have started doing podcasts on their website - Go to our Links page to get there.

They have put up 2 Episodes so far, the first one talks about E3 2007 and the second one talks about what next gen means to the developers and lots of technospeak which meant I didn't listen to it all!

They are both quite long, but worth a listen on a rainy August afternoon.


Blogmaster jeff

Morning Blogmaster

I have signed up for a spot of TV with my mobile its only a fiver a month the idea being that I can watch TV in work when I have a spare 10min, I have allready hit a slight snag something to do with 3G and not having 3G in my area, couldent they have done a little test sort of thing, dang it...  nothing more to say bloggy, had a couple good races last night, Oh hang on, no I did not, I got owned big style

Spider Blog, Spider Blog does whatever a Spider Blog does, can it swing from a web, No it cant its a Blog, Lookout here comes Spider

Internet speed, in the 'pore. Intial D Drift Racer!

Singapore has 100mg lines with 2mg up loads here for only 40 quid, with tv and phone thrown in, but i think i can find faster. This one runs through cable so it fast. So if i do move here, i might be able to host for once lol. I wonder if Virgin media, has started the trial for the 50mg with 2 meg up load yet? or have i missed it?

My bro's in the 'pore!

My brother arrived from Perth, (Australia, Bootleg and yes Zombie was right about KL, which is in Malaysia), and we had dinner with my dad and then went out on the town, to some clubs he was dying to try out since he was a away. Three clubs all on the same site but you have to pay for two to enter all three, with two drinks thrown in for each ticket bought. Saddly it was wendsday and retro night, so 80's music. But the cool thing was you could buy JUGS of spirits, filled with ice and 8 straws to share, hahaha, like i want to share, i even drunk my bro's share.

Missed me?!?!?!?

I have just got back from spending a fantastic week at Lee's and my body is completely shaking in the need to play burnout revenge but I am not gonna be able to play it for another night due to having to play darts! What's that all about?!?!?!? Well, it means another sleepless night - waking up in cold sweats due to dreaming about burnout!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bootleg, Bootleg wherefore art thou Bootleg????????????????????


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