

Hi folks just thought I would introduce myslef being the newcomer and all.

I found the site by linking from ZombiTrons sig over on the 360 forums.  Despite what it may say in my public profile I am actually from England not Ireland but I couldn't find it in the drop down menu.  I probably missed cause I'm really tired atm.  Anyhoo  I'm a 30 year old guy who's married with two kids. and really addicted to Burnout Paradise.

the new 1.08 update works well now with new 32 bit integer


i had a problem with old system,when i was scoring over 2 billion i would often end up with a zero or wrong score.

now that has been fixed in the 1.08 update i no longer have this problem

new stuntrun score of 44 Billion   (44,303,234,395)

thank you CG for fixing this problem.

i'am off now to try for some showtime record as the island still not here.

New Burnout game from EA?

I was just surfing the web and I ran into this on

New Island info

Not to mention disappointing, for the time being.

My first reaction is, "10?!?!?! SERIOUSLY1?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!"

But it says that they can be completed with 2-8 players, so that gives me a glimer of hope that it'll last me longer than a weekend.

....... Oh, who am I kidding? That's bull shine...

Criterion news?


For today,also,FRUSTRATED

I renewed my Xbox live about 2 months ago,friggin live removes any achievements since you last recovered your gamertag,today I realized all my achievements were gone.I also noticed I dont have the achievements for the licenses up to and including B class.Admittedly,I'm a little steamed.I did however get rampage,frenzy,and car in a china shop near simultaneously(frenzy,then rampage and car in a china shop) so that made me smile,still had takedowns from last time I played with a live account,apparently,almost 500 of them.Also got paid and displayed and shopaholic simultaneously today,next goa

Hello Strange People...

Hello omg it has been a while, well i guess i feel a bit out of place :( so ill make it short and anyone looking forward to COD6 as much as me?

Burnout revenge website

hey I have been looking for that burnout revenge website that shows you the online learderboards but i can no longer find it if any of you know what I am talking about pleaze help me. you can check the xbox 360 standings for rank, crash score, and laptimes. I have been looking for that website for a long time now and it has been a while sense I have been on it. I forget how to find it.


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