
Additional Content, Burnout Paradise

Like me, who else thinks that these additional packs are a bit expensive? I calculated that if i was to buy all the packs it would cost nearly £40!!!!
(thats more than the game cost itself). Thats before Big Surf Island becomes available for purchase. If the cops and robbers pack costs £7.99 than how much will a whole island cost?? 

Is Burnout a "true" racing game?

This is a topic that tends to be heard of by people who call themselves "true" racing fans. Burnout fans may argue, but if we think of those super realistic games like Grand Turismo 5, they only have one route from start to finish with however many laps. Burnout is a game about finding the right route.

Burnout Baby

For those of you who don't already know, Xandu and I are expecting a baby in September!

I know we aren't the first Burnout couple, and I'm sure there is probably already a Burnout baby out there somewhere.. but this will be our first Burnout baby!

Do you know any other couple's that met on Burnout? Do you know about any other Burnout babies??

Robbies is back so I did a pillock vid whilst smokin a fag

Hi everyone, as some of ya know I've been doin a motorcycle related blog for the last 105 years on here, you can read them all A to R at this point and be totally flummoxed as to my motivation! Its ironic that ive reached R as our bike shop went caput in December last year and i thought this was a dead donkey but fate, as it seems, isnt without a certain amount of irony (anyone tell me which movie those last words are from and I will be enormously impressed lol) I can make tea if all else fails

Is there a difference?

 Is there much of a difference between playing paradise on the xbox or a pc ? It (paradise) was given to me as a gift for my pc , but I hav to get a little better vid card in the next couple of wks. I still haven't even played paradise for a few reasons. I'm still way too addicted to Revenge and Takedown (especially Takedown) so...any different?

Run with the Wolf???

Hello fellow Burners and Elites,

BurnoutAholics HQ now based in Bergen!

You may have noticed that I have been a lot less active on the site lately, and have been missing from Xbox Live altogether. This is due to the fact that Xandu and I have moved from our old HQ in Margate, UK to our shiny new HQ in Bergen, Norway!

The move went well, we arrived late on Tuesday night  and have been busy shopping in Ikea and unpacking for the last couple of days.

ZuneX Mobile XBOX Phone ?

Whether or not this is real or a fake, is down to us as an individual to believe .....

Specifications...... ?


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