
Interactive locations map

here's a burnout paradise, Interactive locations map.

lots of info a great way to find what you need, Find locations for Smashes, Billboards, Jumps, Shortcuts, and more.

hope this helps all you noobs,or you oldies. you know who you are



Police Hq and Robbers hideout

I think the police hq and robbers hideout, sould have been the hosts choice to  there location like where you setup a race.

or maybe had police hq by Angus Wharf and the robbers hideout up by the wind farm. 

then your useing the hole map and boost could have been used,

i had three games last night before connection problem,the average run time on each game was about 3 minutes.

not long before i had 6 of the 8 trophys.

Can't Connect, Servers not available!

There I was playing Cops and Robbers with some friends, Xandu wanted to join but couldn't connect to the servers, we tried a reset, now neither of us can connect. Seems to be a widespread problem looking at the various BP forums.

So, although we have now both purchased the Cops and Robbers pack for a total 1600 MS points, neither of us can play.

Crash TV 32: Cops and Robbers Hints and Tips

OK so you got the Cops and Robbers update today, but you don't know what to do with it? Maybe Crash TV 32 will help.

Check it out HERE 


i just got a great stuntrun score 27,192,684 with a   X128 multiplier came in at 3,480,663,552.

on my driver details under records, ok thats fine.

so why Criterion games news page from when burnout starts up i looked up under stats,my records.

it shows my stunt run record to be 18,446,744,072,895,248,384.

what i would'nt even be able to pronounce this number.

would be a great score though.

20 Million Peggle Points on first try!

Xandu and I are currently playing a lot of Peggle! At first I didn't have it on my Xbox, but I took turns on Xandu's until he got possessive of his controller, forcing me into buying my own copy.

I'm glad I did!  

On my first run through of the Adventure mode I scored over 20 million points giving me an achievement that Xandu has been working on without success!! haha

new stunt run record

got  big stunt run score to register in my driver details today my new registered score of 3,480,663,552

finaly only the sixth time to type of score and not registering. yippee

Cops and Robbers

Hey any one wanna challenge me online if you do replie to me my gamertag is PARADISEKILLA92.  Oh ya almost forgot once cops and robbers comes out i'm going to catch all of ya so watch out and i am beast at evading the law.


 Burnout forever


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