
Bumper Cam Barrell Rolls

 With the hot rod being pretty consistent with getting good rolls into the quarry, I thought I'd do a video using bumper cam


i see on the poll, i didn't buy the cars is at 37%

why are you all nuts, or just cheep.

these new cars have opened up a whole new game.

burnout has continued to be the best game for me,now all these new cars have been added.

toy cars are great and boost special, well you don't know what your missing.

your loss.

Wheelman Demo - I think it ROCKS!

I totally love the Wheelman Demo!

If you haven't tried it yet.. what are you waiting for? go get it and give it a go! It is the most fun I have had playing a new car game for a long time! I was sat on the edge of my seat with a huge smile on my face!

The game seems to make use of every button on the control pad. It has a very cinematic feel, with the music adding to the tension of the chase. And the spanish vibe gives it a very summery feel, just what we need after a long winter!

General FAQ on installing, Accounts & Guide for Download-Content (on the PC Version)


Since both Criterion and EA fail till now in providing proper Information for the masses of PC Players out there, (besides some small Twitter bits that came just today after the Update), i decided to spend some minutes of my lifetime to possibly make your life a little easier, by describing on how to access the new Download Content (Legendary Cars, Toys, Boost Specials) and give a little advice on the Installation process with the EADM & the EA Account.

National Days to Celebrate!

I was a bit bewildered this morning to see the main news on CG's page being a celebration for Greek Independence Day. Are they going to do news stories for every nation I wonder? Will we see a big Norwegian flag on the front page news on the 17th of May??

We have already had St Patrick's day celebrations too. So, what National Days do you think CG should celebrate?? Let us know when your country celebrates and we will look to see if CG celebrate it too!


The Learning to Drive Saga Continues....

I was very hopeful that the last time I took my test would be the last time I would have to take it.. but unfortunately I touched the curbs on my reverse park, and again when I tried to correct myself, which lead to another FAIL!

And this was on my driving instructors last day at work, as (sensibly enough) he has found himself a proper job so wont be able to teach me anymore.

I decided to take a couple of weeks off from driving, as I had a week in Norway planned, but now I am back so had to start searching for a new driving instructor.

I Bought a New Car!

That's right! Amazing as it sounds and after all my complaining about the outrageous pricing, I caved to peer pressure and purchased the Extreme Hot Rod!

I like it! and it did give us some much improved Lap of the Gods times, and I imagine it will be good for other Timed Challenge records, although Rock around the Clock was a bit rubbish last night!!

Another Time Travelling Crash TV episode!

So, episode 27 saw us go back in time to 1983 for an Open University style show all about the Boost Specials. Today, we go all the way back to Pathe News style footage  all the way back from way before even my time!!

Here is the linky for those of you who don't know how to view Crash TV episodes without my help!


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