
Criterion Games Network: CG answer's your FAQ's

I was having an explore on the CGN as we now all have access to it via the CG webpage, and I thought I would re-post this FAQ, in which CG explain why the sponsor codes were removed amongst other things, here it is:


Does anyone have any takedown tips for me?

 I already know and sometimes abuse the classic "grind into the wal


 P.S Don't overdue the comments, i want this topic to stay open to comments

Limited Edition RES 5 XBOX....

ok i found something really sexy for you all to drool over and its going on sale on March 13th wih Resident Evil 5...

and what else is sweet ? look at the box the beauty arrives in .......

Sticking with Original Car over its Legnedary Car Cousin

The new Legendary cars are fun, but I'm still sticking to my p12, when it comes to the jansen family. Maybe I will like the Legandary cars once players learn to control them and stop making a big deal about them. The Knightrider-like car is really nice, by the way.

Well beyond the year of Paradise...

Here we are, beyond the year of Paradise and CG's support for the game is still going strong. In their Twitter's they are still talking about playing through the game as part of their working day. The Island and Cops and Robbers packs are still being finished and will not hit our consoles for a couple of months at least, then there is the work they are doing on the 3D version???

Which makes me wonder, are Criterion Games supporting Paradise too much?

x3 boost chain (GT Nighthawk)

I have bought the Legendary cars & have done the trophies that come wih them. Except the x3 boost chain GT Nighthawk. I got a x6 boost chain & still no trophy. Can anyone help me? Is it a glitch as with the 10 timed challenge trophy? If u know why my PSN id. is B1GGR4Y. See you in Paradise SOON. Thanks. (",)

Crash TV 25: Back to the Knightbusting future of Hazzard.

Crash TV episode 25 is now available, it contains clips of all of the Legendary cars in action as well as showing your favourite Crash TV crew as characters from the movies and TV shows that inspired the Legendary cars. They even did their own stunts!

Classic episode of Crash TV, so go watch it already!

Crash TV episode 25

New Car Prices (And Were Available)

 Toy Collection 1: 480 Points

- Toy Hunter Cavalry: 160 Points

- Toy Hunter Manhattan: 160 Points

- Toy Kreiger WTR: 160 Points

- Toy Jansen P12


Toy Collection 2: 480 Points

- Toy Hunter Takedown 4x4: 160 Points


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