
First timer with B:PC...

I don't own a playstation or an XBox of any type. I'm a long time PC user and game player, going all the way back to the C= VIC-20 (don't laugh!), so I've stuck with the computer as my main source of video game enjoyment.

Crash TV episode 23: Party Pack

Crash TV Party Pack Special

In which 4 of the Burnout team sit around the sofa passing the pad and showing you how the Party Pack can be played.

Having seen more of the Party Pack I don't get why this hasn't also been sold as an Online game mode? The party is for up to 8 players, the same amount as an online lobby in Paradise City, and a lot of the challenges in the Party Pack would be a lot of fun for us to play online.

DEAR CRITERION ... plz read

To whomever it may concern,

                             the new update sux and u let urself down and so say all of us .....


                           read lofty_1783's blogs u'll understand .......................


                            reply ur name to join the boycott list do not update .......


                            they may take our joyuss days, evenins and nights of burnin but ......


                            they will never take our FREEDOMmmmmmm ......Err ... yeah that



CRAZY EA gi me a break WTF lol ............................ sos plz .the body of your blog is too short you need at least 25 words  that enuff DONT GAMERTAG ITS KINDA GAY nearly as gay as the new update ....... colours anyone


Hello, all.


    It has been a while since I have been on here. I started a new job and dedicated myself to ranked races and such. I was ranked 541 lastnight and now with these updates, its says im unranked. what happened?  "Updates"

Burnout Paradise PC Ultimate Box Demo

 Those of you interested in trying out the Burnout Paradise PC Ultimate Box demo can find it at the following URL:

It's 3GB in size (since it's the full game but time-limited).


First time to play Burnout paradise online Properly for the 1ST time!!!!!!!!!

I have ordered a new Router and it should arrive today, tommorow or other the weekend, and i have already changed my internet connection from 1mb to 10mb, so i will be able to play online!!!!!!!!!!YAY!!!!!!!!! well play online without me being disconnected half way through the game. But the downside is my parents won't let me spend any more money until around MARCH/EASTER time, so i won't be able to download the Party pack and DLC sadly. :(


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