
Xbox Burnout 3: Takedown Tournament

Umo is getting a Burnout 3 Tournament going over at the Xbox forums, it will probably be held on Saturday 21st of Feb. Here is a link to the sign up thread:

Burnout 3: Takedown Tournament

Burnout Paradise PC vs. PS3

General Comments

this update

I think this update is fair... i just wish they would release the paid content already. the next updates look cool to me

who agrees with me

Just a suggestion....

Zombs, or Xan..... Sorry to be a pain.. but Ive never really realized thsi before.... This is just a suggestion and whether you guys choose to change it or not is completely up to you... Either way, I dont see a problem with the setup right now...


How can u charge someone to play offline at home 10 bucks that crazy. Now they slowed down the bikes and cars this game will never be the same it was so good before all the lame updates. People who like the update must be a noob cuz it was so much better when the game first came out and why can we not race the bikes come on now your ruinin the game so much.

Blues' Blog

Hey all, I'm Matt, new Burnoutaholic.  Normally on xbl around 8 pm Central weekdays and varies on weekends, under GT: BLUETHISTLE.  Look me up if you want to burn up the town.  

Edit:  I should have added this, but I play Paradise as I don't have the others yet. 

A Request...

.. Zom or Xan..

As of today, One Incognito is no more... Can you please do a name change because I couldnt not find it in the edit profile section. Anyways, when you get the chance... please change this account's name to Jinno Angelo... Thank you...

What was your "this is it!" moment?

I often wonder at what moment people realize that the game they've chosen as their favorite was their...favorite...

I don't mean "you can change music" or "you can wreck cars" or "I got this great score!"


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