
Crash TV episode 27 - Open University for Boost!

I don't know how many people who play Burnout Paradise were alive in 1983, I imagine that for a lot of you this is way before your time and you may not get the reference. But, the new Crash TV is based on BBC 2's Open University shows and features Professor Follett teaching us all about Boost.

Crash TV episode 27: The University of Paradise

Job Vacancies at Criterion Games

CG have posted an add for experienced artists today, you can see the full story HERE. The thing which leapt out of the page at me was "....experience of working on driving games is a definite plus."  Which to me indicates that the next project they will be working on will be a driving game. I know they have been linked to creating an NFS title, but it could also be Paradise 2, or maybe something new?

Disappearing players.

Over the last week or so i have been experiencing a new bug, During some freeburn challenges the connection between 2 players seems to be unsynchronized, this has happened to me on three occasions now.

hide and seek

any one got some nice little hidin holes, please let us know.

i like to make lots of tea, so i park up at my own risk 

Paradise Regained

It's been a while since I travelled the roads of Paradise for any real length of time. My love for the game remained undiminished in that time it's just that...well...Gears of War 2...Call of Duty WaW...Street Fighter IV...among others...have meant that there has been other demands on my time. Throw the birth of my son into the mix (born on 12th Feb...same birthday as me!) and you can hopefully understand that that time has become more and more limited.

Boost Update?

So I'm torn whether I should get the new boost pack. I have heard only a few different opinions on the cars from people who already have them. Unfortunately most of these people's opinions generally end up saying that the pack is not worth the six hundred and some points that were spent.  I would rather not waste my points on something I won't be using but I would like to hear other peoples opinion before I buy them. If you have any opinion on the new boost pack please let me know. Thanks :) 

The cars you have been waiting for!

This Thursday (or not) the boost specials will be released "ThePosterBoyThe Boost Specials Collection will be available on 360 and PlayStation 3 on Thursday 9th March...more details soon", even though today is the 9th of march, i will investgate.

How to start over?

Dumb question; but let's say I want to start Burnout Paradise all over again, but I don't want to loose any of my records.I basically want to see how fast I can play through the game from the start compared to the first time.How do I start over, and not loose all of the cars, and records, and stuff?



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