
Any ranked Racers?

Hi all,

It's getting a little boring waiting for the island but its almost here. After we calm down from the island, does anyone want to practice ranked and unranked races? If you want to know more info on me, go to the criteriongames site to check stats


My GT: blackwolf22303 (Xbox 360)

check stats:

FUEL: The reviews are in... has posted a FUEL review, giving the game a measley 5/10! You can read the full review HERE.

One Week til Big Surf hits our consoles

If you weren't excited before, you must be a little bit excited now!

Although CG haven't hyped a new Crash TV for today like they did last week, we are expecting part 2 of the Island Crash TV specials to hit later today.

CG's last news story was about the Island Tours, these sound like new Island specific events, kinda like the races that were added with the Bike Pack. Lots of Checkpoints to give you a good tour of the new gaming arena, to force you to go where no Burner has gone before!

Paradise Stunt Run - 7Million

 Hello all you Burnout Aholics!

I am glad to be back and posting again after a number of months buried under my work. I wanted to treat you all to something special, and I have just that!

Setting myself a challenge to complete a Stunt Run in paradise, using a non stunt-class car I had to reach 1million points, and only in one attempt! Click the link to watch the video on - or, if you are just interested in my final score, see below.


The car I chose was the Carbon Hawker. I love this car.


The Future of Burnout - Project Natal

We have all seen the little bits from CG about Burnout in 3D which will be possible if you have the right PC hardware, and now Burnout is also possible without a controller through Project Natal on the Xbox 360.

Project Natal is a unique system which captures your body movements and voice commands through a video camera so you do not need anything other than yourself to control video games.

Burnout was one of the games used when demo-ing the system to a Time Magazine reporter, thanks to Suffur for the link to this (which can also be found on Suf's E3 forum post).

What is this site coming to?

I have been an online gamer since I went to college and part of making a game, we also had to test out so many games on and offline so we can successfully create our own.  Lately I have been thinking about somethings and concerning this site, I'm beginning to wonder about some posts on here.  I liked the Burnout series bc when you went online, the people were friendlier and cooler than in other games and game genres. Yes playing Burnout is extremely crazy and violent in some aspect, still you find  mostly cool people on it. 

Burnouts Biggest Fan

Not that I'm bitter, or probably because I am bitter..  I am blogging as I am cross that CG has called out DBC9MX as Burnouts biggest fan. Admittedly they have only done this to further promote the Island on their news pages, but I am sure it is not true!

I obviously don't know DB personally as he is on PS3, but I am not even sure that he has played any of the other Burnout games.

Island and Dust Storm stuff in Crash TV tomorrow

CG have posted a number of news stories hyping the new Crash TV episode which will be available tomorrow (Thurs 28th May) over at

It will feature new footage of the Dust Storm, the Island and will show us Island gameplay.


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