ZombieTron's blog

RROD - take 3

This day is just getting better!

Now for the third time my Xbox 360 has suffered from the Red Rings of Death!

It is only a few months out of the years warranty with Gamestation, so will need to be sent back to M$ for repair.

Practical Driving Test - take one

OK... about time I updated you all on my Driving Lessons, if you haven't been following this for the last year here are my previous Driving Lesson Blogs:

Learning to Drive

Learning to Drive - Update

The Theory Test

Learning to Drive - Update Pt 4

So this is Update Pt 5...

Criterion Games Forum round up: Alex Ward Speaks!

Just thought I would sum up some things that Alex Ward has posted over at the CriterionGames.com forum.

There will be NO replay feature added to Burnout Paradise. This is dissapointing for some, but as it wasn't a feature shipped with the game I don't see it as a loss. IMO BP was a prime candidate for having a replay option, but it probably would have gotten old quite quickly.

PURE Musical Bliss!

We got PURE sent to us on Thursday, Thanks to pre-ordering at Game!

Xandu has played alot more then me, so this isn't my review yet... that might be my next blog.

I just wanted to Blog about the soundtrack, the PURE soundtrack IMO is what the Burnout Paradise soundtrack should have been.


PURE has a soundtrack which will make me put on the game just to listen to the music, literally.. The Music is on there and I LOVE The Music!

Tracks include:

Xbox LIVE Downtime Alert!

OH NO!! No Xbox Live for a whole 24 hours!!!    

This is the news from Xbox.com

Not for me..

but I know I will have to give them a bit more than the 5 minutes or so I gave them last night.

I was at work yesterday, so wasn't able to play til I got home, as I work in an office I was reading the forums to see peoples reactions to the bikes.

Mostly it is 100% positive, just a few niggles about lack of races, and ofcourse about the DL not working, but other than that everyone seems really happy.

Big Bike Ad

Gametrailers.com have put up a video advertising the release of the Bike pack.

It is probably the best footage of the bikes that I have seen so far. This ad is very much geared to getting people excited about the bikes, and trying to get new Burner's into Paradise City.

Oh No.. Bikes are Coming!

I know I am meant to be excited about the Bikes, but I'm really not...

OK, I might not feel that bored about it, but having just watched Crash TV episode 9 (go get it from ITunes, you know you want to), I am just not feeling the bikes... they don't look particularly fast, they don't crash in an exciting way, you can't get takedowns (presumably), and there is no boost.


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