ZombieTron's blog

Why I Love Burnout!

OK so here is a quick list of the top things that I Love about Burnout, there are more things I love, but these are the main ones:

1) Boost! Boost! Boost!

I love the boost system Burnout style! I love driving dangerously to earn boost. Weaving in and out of oncoming traffic, over bumps and jumps and drifting all the way!

2) The Best Track Designs!

The Burnout series has the absolute best track designs of any racing series ever! (ok I haven't played them all, but this is still a FACT!)

Nearly Norway: Part 1 - Refurbishment!

As you may have noticed Xandu and I have not been online much for the last couple of weeks. This is because we have been in Norway working feverishly away on refurbishing our new BurnoutAholics HQ!

Our new HQ is in Bergen in the south west of Norway, a very beautiful part of the world. However the HQ itself is currently less then beautiful and in need of complete refurbishment!! There is still lots of work to do before we can move our base of operations to the other side of the North Sea. The big move should be happening sometime next year.

XNA Giggles!

Some of you already know that I have temporarily lost Xandu to the XNA Creators Studio. Briefly today he stepped out of his lab to show me what he has come up with so far.

Halloween Podcast

If you haven't already seen it, I recommend you go to ITunes and subscribe to the Crash TV podcast and download episode 11, The Halloween Special.

EA's Be The One '08

If you are in London tomorrow or on Saturday head down to Trafalger Square to check out EA's Be The One event and get some hands on gaming action on some hot new titles.

You can see Trafalger Square transformed on this live feed:

London Streeming Webcam over Trafalger Square

If you do go, make sure you let us know how it was


What do you expect from the update announcements?

Tomorrow sees the first of 4 update packs for Burnout Paradise to be announced over the next 4 weeks over at CriterionGames.com.

What do you think we can expect from the updates? What are you expecting? What do you think Burnout Paradise needs?

I know the racers would like to see some major changes and improvements to racing, but I don't think they are going to get any.

I know crashers would like to see a return to crash junctions, but I don't think this is gonna happen either.

Xbox Advert Rant!

OK I can keep silent no more!


What are they trying to sell? How does seeing the inside of peoples heads with diarama's instead of brains sell video games??? And what is the spooky shaky camera close ups of spotty kids and freaky smiley people on Xbox.com trying to sell us??

New Look to CriterionGames.com!

Criterion Games have revamped their website again, and it kinda looks like they stole our colour scheme!! haha

Gone are the dark red back grounds in favour of a bright white look. It looks better I think, but go check it out for yourselves and let us know your views:

New Look CriterionGames.com

Edit - The Official forums are also getting a reskin to match the new website!


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