
Paradise Demo Tonight!!!!

From Midnight tonight (gmt) the Paradise demo will be available for download for the PS3 and Xbox 360! if not it will definatly be available tomorrow!

The online demo will be for up to 4 players online, and will include 3 events one of which is a Stunt Run so everyone can experience this new game mode.

I can't wait to play Paradise again! I hope the demo is balanced well to give a good idea of the game to Burners. It is a whole new experience, but it still feels like Burnout to me!

getting personal

So I haven't been checking on this for a while and I come back log on and notice I have a new personal message.. it seems as though I may have offended someone.. or they took what I said a little personal..

Bloggy Bloggy Bloggy

Bloggy, Bloggy, Bloggy, damn Bloggy I feel good, just as I knew that I would, havent played revenge for 1 day and I have no symtoms, I am not addicted whoopee I am not addicted *starts to shake*, I am starting to enjoy Halo 3, kinda dumb realy as the Demo for Paradise is due out, and I bought the new maps for halo, you can play soccer on one of them with a big footy balll.

Burnout 3 Lives!

but the pulse is feint...

The servers do seem to be back today. Tuesday 11th December 2007.

I will try to get a few games in tonight!!


What Is Wrong With Me?

Sooooo i'm playing Revenge and The Bootleg leaves coz he's having EA server problems.... Big Time - come on dude with mega connection, sort it out man Revenge aint the same without you.

I decide im gonna shoot off and race ranked on FBI Gamertag but that simply aint enough as all the tags i have are very low in the ranking and im drinking heavily and know im gonna lose!  So I create a tag and jump in a ranked room and the host asks me if im gonna quit? (No Rank at this point) and I LIE and say "Aint a quitter, not played this game very much"

Point of Impact!

i finally was about to fix the problem for the update and am now playing burnout 2 on my 360 i love the game its awsome the crashing the burnout+1 lol most i get is burnout+5 haha. any way i cant wait for paradise to come out so exited just another month!!! oh yeah! that doest mean im not going to play the other burnout games! anyway im goin to keep this blogg short and sweet sence i have to get ready for work! adios amigos!

Dear Bloggy

Dearest Bloggy

War up Bloggy  just thought I would post so as I can be the first member to reach 400 oh yeah the big 400 this one will do it, this will make me supreme being status and give me claim to the ultimate bolocks poster crown, yes drunk bow down to me the King of nice spam, the most hated most feared unofficial god of revenge, No 1 baby, oh happy 400 to me , anyway on a more serious note Gillian has been freed in Sudan and is on her way home, not that she should ever have been locked up for such an obvious inocent mistake

Damn experts...

Hello and welcome

A couple times in the past we have heard - mainly form Alex, during Podcasts - about stupid things about Paradise that are written on forums around the web. And it seems that I've found one of those today on my domestic message board - I was searching for the topic about Paradise and I found some kind of blithering idiot who writes many "interesting" things. Post pretty old (June 2007) For instance:


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