
XCock Live as said by Trixie. And F-bombs from the Major, lol.

For us Europeans and the rest of the World, who don't have a tag connected to the American side of Xbox Live and thier "whats in your Xbox" feature on the dash, here is a link to the blooper reel, very funny, worth a watch.

And what happen to my signature, 'Du, when did I break that?

Cheese is good for you, in regulated doses.

The Magic That is Xbox Live

Some have noticed that Xbox live is having issues’, and people are working on it, e, and his people, and the community leader, Major Nelson, for giving updates, and giving e a back rub as he works. When Live does go down, people do notice and other people have contacts, like the Major, Trixie, AceyBongos, and there are hundreds of other working for MS and Live, that were getting messages, with people saying XBox Live is Broken. Everyone, who needed to fix it was at work, through the entire situation, from before xmas to now and beyond.

Zombie's Norwegian Adventure!

I am in Norway, and today it is cold! We drove up to the local ski resort to see the snow and it was -10 degrees!! The coldest it has been so far.

Skiing in Eikedalen

Mountains reflected in the frozen sea

Head Start's are lame and un-called for (its a Bloggy post)

 I think I have played a record amount of Revenge this holiday season and have met many wonderful people and a couple of Noobs, now a noob to me is someone who thinks they are good at a game but are not, they think that they own but yet only use one vehicle (not talking about you ichi, noob) so there I am racing away in the aeroplane (Alienware) and erm yeah it was a bad race so the noob that won decided to give me a head start (noob) and yeah I timed him, and then there was a guy who beat me while I was in a 202 and yeah he thought it was a actual fair event with him being in the revenge r

Someone Is Gonna Pay For This: Verticalled Or Otherwise

Who Who Wtf brought Holidays into my world?  Due to extenuating circumstances (Got a dictionary for Christmas) i havnt been able to get anywhere near a PC or my 360 and i am not happy.  All i wanna do is Burn Rubber with my friends, strangers will do, parrots, donkeys, crocs, mannaquins (dictionary working?)  chickens, hotpots, prostitutes, curtains, frying pans ...

Merry Christmas too all of you

Have a great new year,  And thanks to all my friends  for putting up with me for the last 12 months.. love Kev

Just Wondering...

"The third is me playing Revenge by the looks of it, we wanted to show Criterion the impact of Drift Jumping. And I needed a haircut! terrible pictures of me, but anyway!"


This was quoted from a previous post of Zombie, but I was just wondering what did they say about the drift jumping when you showed them how it impacts the game.... 

Happy Hols Bloggy

 Happy Crimbo Bloggy.



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