
oh hey blogster

Hey Blogs, numero uno is backo in towno, I am so bored with Revenge, I am so bored with people sending me invites to Burnout 3, (1200 is criminal) and I am so bored with Revenge, dang said that all ready, bloggy I don't know what to say, I don't want to mention that I played Halo last night and got the Zombie syndrom, dude do you know how many hours I put into H2 this is not right,  I was fine on COD 4 just Halo, ah well I suppose its just another excuse for me not to play it, blah blah blah urm erm er ur, dude I have nothing for you, Oh I know EZO you look like your skate charecter you gee

Updates 16-01-2008

Some have you may have noticed that lots of old content have been showing up on the frontpage today. This issue has been cause by a caching and access problem. Access to all articles on has now been restored and hopefully the original problem is resolved.

Help I've gone back in time

Burnoutaholics must be under site fixing, as I have gone back in time to my last blog of the 205, all others are not here, lol. Caching, is that the right, world can really throw a guy, I though I dreamed the last couple of weeks, months, which really messed me up, lol. Especially after the talk I had with some guy just now. Anyway what date does this blog come into will it be read as its weeks old or is it new, lol. Anyway enough time travle must go and do another write up I have been thinking about for a couple of dayz, so Back to the Future, see you all on the other side.

Morning Bloggy

 Morning Blogster, yep I know I haven't been in touch lately but I have been busy (lazy more like) but anyway I have had to start playing ranked games now as getting a full room in the player lobby is very hard now days, I had bit of fun last night and a bit of friendly banter with our american buddies and the dude that used to work in a gay bar (blue oyster was it ichi) and not wanting to gain any rank on my tag I have created a ichi tribute gamertag, lets face it we all love that guy and what better way to show our inspiration towards him than to create a tag in his honour, mine is

the whole truth and nothing but


just read this and yeah....

1: Online gaming is serious business:

My 360 Can Blog!

We have added some 360 Community sites to our links page, one of my favourite 360 Community sites is, you can link your GamerTag and your 360 will blog all of your gaming activity like this:


Joking Aside...

Hope everyone had a great new year by the way - mine sucked:  and is still sucking which is why i have been away or quiet or not blogging or whatever and i aint sayin i'm back yet lol

Bored Bloggy and damn this point loosing for editing lark

this is what i do when bored at work

the mould is done in mirror so as the end product is the right way around, you can see in the picture the mould is differant colour the dark area is were the slate broke under the heat, the design is of the Welsh Dragon and is designed on a computer and sand blasted on to the slate


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