
Happy again!

I am a happy man once again. Pre ordered from my local game store this time, turns out it IS out tomorrow, and they have the steel wheels code . Woot. I'll be picking it up tomorrow morning. Can't wait.

Add me if you have a PS3:  jonnydorifto

I'll see you all in paradise.

Got Paradise, got a fuse and my HD TV is working for now...

I now hope it all works, got my stores in, fizzy drink, and quick meals, snacks etc, so ready for the marathon that will be Burnout Paradise.

Now to put my disk in, so I can move into the flat near the Pizza Place where I have applied for a Job as the PIzza Delivery Boy for Paradise City and it's outskirts.

See you all later, now to find the best Pizza delivery routes and to get them there in time to get bigger tips?

Multistory Race Night

Hokay, my first Paradise post. Lets see here. Oh yes, Multistory night!

The story goes, last night I was frustrated seeing folks playing Paradise when I haven't got it so I booted up the demo with some friends, sat through the video for about the 60th time (I made a drink) and got stuck in to what soon became epic.


There are three rules here.

  • Pick one Multistory Car park in the city
  • All combatants....err, racers must exit via a specified roof jump.
  • The winner lands first.

On your marks - GO.

I'm in Paradise

I don’t know where to start… So far I’ve only got positive things to say about the game.

Taxonomy upgrade extras:

We Have Paradise!!

We got a copy of Burnout Paradise today, and Xandu has been playing non-stop since he stopped working at 3pm this afternoon.

Unfortunately, I still had to work til 5pm and I could hear the game from where I was working!

The most frustrating 2 hours EVER!!!

The game sounds awesome! and the soundtrack really works, Janes Addiction and Adam Ant great combination! (I'm still gonna turn off Avril)

OK, I'm gonna kick Xandu off now and have my turn!!

This could cause a few domestics until we get a 2nd copy!

6 hours of Paradise

I picked up my reserved copy of Burnout Paradise yesterday after work and played for 6 hours.

I felt overwhelmed by all there is to do in the city. With an event on almost every intersection, all the smashes, billboards and jumps, all the Road Rules... my head was swirling. I didn't know where to begin. As I'm typing this I still don't know!

New in town

Hey folks, I'm new in town.

My name is Naarkesh, and I'm a Burnoutaholic.

Professionally, I am both software engineer and games animator. I have a strong background in games and am a BSc in Games Devlopment. Needless to say, the videogames industry is my life.

I siged up today after being a long time reader. It seemed fitting based on the epic level of excited I'm feeling due to the impending release of Burnout: Paradise.

So, why am I blogging? Read on...

Game. I'm never using them again.

What a F****** wee take, i pre ordered Paradise from their website ages ago, 21st of dec, becuase they were offering the game with the steel wheels car. It then goes and says, today, "Order declined". its not my debit card, as ive used it before with online orders, and i keep trying to call customer services, but no-one bloody answers! Its 3 in the afternoon, its not bloomin busy! Everyones at work for crying out loud! Theyve messed me around before, thought i'd give them another chance, but no, they rip it once again.

Im sorry, im just very angry.

Rant over



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