
This is going to get bumpy - Marked Man.

So, last night after hours of grinding challenges, me and four friends decided to do some marked man racing as we all agree that the exclusion of this game type from paradise was a needless oversight.

So, here we go - the rules:


Im new to this site so first i will say alittle about myself. I will be 26 this feb. I'm happly married going on 9 years we have known each other since grade school. we have 2 sweet children our son just truned 4 and our little girl will be 3 this valintines day. and i like to chat with new ppl anytime so you can add me to your xbox live friends so i hope to see  ya there. But for now  Im about to trun on paradise for the first time. I will let ya now how it goes. later all

Shout out to all the BurnoutAholics out there, you know who you are!

Thanks DJ Atomika!

I'm having a blast in Paradise. Mostly Freeburning and picking up billboards, super jumps and smashes along the way.

I've been doing the Burning Routes as I've unlocked the cars for them, and had to drive back to start a few times but it helps me to learn the city.

I have done some online races and am seriously considering changing my name to DNF.

Lovin The Paradise

Let me start by saying how much I love this freakin game. The only thing that I do miss is the Road Rage online, but oh well what can ya do. The online challenges option is pretty damn sweeeet. Anyways back to Paradise I must go.

add me x-360 gamertag: vIp3rSw3d

I've only just begun

The guide is half done. Meaning all Smashes, Billboards and Super Jumps have been found! Photos are the last thing to do.

I can honestly say I'm having a good time doing it. There were other "teams" that found everything a couple days before me but it's not about the speed, it's the quality. This is a one-man job. Something I've always wanted to do. Photos of each objective will the sweet icing on this beautiful cake.

Paradise is paradise.

I'm happy I bought this game instead of wasting cash on Crackdown. I already have the Carbon X12 and the Carbon GT Concept. Now I gotta get all the billboards for the Carbon Montgomory Hawker, get the block party acheivement for another carbon car, and then set time roadrules for the Carbon Ikusa GT.


For some time now I have been pushing the old Burnout: Takedown for "achievments" on the XBOX and pre-orderd Paradise as soon as it was announced. Got the game 23/1-08 about 12:00 swedish time. At 20:00 the very same day i had 7h37min of gametime. Since that was not enough. 24hrs later i had 18hrs of gameplay. That includes school for 3hrs. So in short. I am very happy indeed. Got 51% of the game. A Licens. Every Drivethrus and garages. I miss 4 Super Jump. 3 Smash and 1 Billbord.

Thank you EA!

Paradise on Earth


Taxonomy upgrade extras:


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