
Bloggy does Camp

no not that kind of camp Bloggy, its a coffee thing,  Gazza likes Red Bull I like Camp Coffee, this is the original and best one all though it is a little sticky so I tend to buy the ready made one's in can, it is also known as Ice Coffee, it has nothing to do with Ice Tea

best served as cold as possible, if you have a ice blower at hand, yeah blow away, chill that milk to the point just above freezing

It's big, I was angry, read at your own pace and pleasure, if you get any, and comment when indicated, It's a Blogticle...

 Or BlogTannic? My Blog Population: 1.

Have not written stuff in a while, well I did but lost it due to internet failing!

One of the things I wrote was on the Criterion Forums about the... the look of the game, and that has been lost to the ‘ghost in shell’, long may she, use the information to become more ‘human’, but not a god (see below).

just another Bloggy

Morning Bloggy, I had a good time on Revenge last night and got trashed by a 9 year old, (dude why is a 9 year old on your buddy list) I wont mention who's list he was on but it sure as heck was not mine, Ezo and Bizo (there is also a Fizzo) joined (very urm doggy that) the mood of the room was exellent apart from Cozzy being a non talker and concentrating on her racing (390 do you blame her) I was going for lap times but it did not work, to many walls and concrete tree's for me last night.

The HD format war is over!

Today Toshiba announced that they will be terminating all production of HD-DVD players and recorders in March 2008. It seems like Warners announcement about not releasing any more movies and series on HD-DVD was the final nail in the coffin. In total 730000 HD-DVD players have been sold world wide and I own 1 of them . 300000 of the sold units are XBOX 360 HD-DVD players.

Billboards and Superjumps


I finally got all my billboards and jumps with a bit of help from this site , thus gaining the two carbon cars, i have 6 more smashes to get , 27 points to elite ,then it will be time to rule the roads.....WATCHOUT !

Online Races in Paradise

Last night I decided to host some online races in Burnout Paradise. I set up a 3 round race and set the access to open. Within 10 seconds I had a full room. 7 people were all asking me to start the race. Apparently several of them had been looking for races for a while and they were all tired of doing challenges. I had a couple of people asking me to turn traffic off but I normally ignore this kind of request. The only time I see a point in having traffic off is when trying out new routes. Traffic stayed on all night!

The Burnout Community in Paradise City - An Essay by ZombieTron

Can the Burnout community live in Paradise City?

I want to make it very clear that I think Burnout Paradise is a fantastic video game. The graphics are astounding, it is a beautifully realised open world. The sound as always is pure VROOM! The freedom given to play how you want, when you want, with non-linear progression makes the offline game a varied challenging experience of immense exploration.

But... I do have doubts that Paradise City has a home for the Burnout Community.

My doubts come with the online game.

lets change the subject.

as the title says Bloggy, let us change the subject, let us be differant, let us talk about Burnout Revenge , dude I am bored with all this talk of Paradise, everyone knows the game suck's but are to afraid to admit it after biggin it up for so long, so anyway I am now forced against my will to play ranked games which I hate to admit do seem to be ok, and does seem to be fun, maybe its because all the a.


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