
ILM: An Interactive Map on the PSP?

Over in the Criterion Forums, someone voiced concern for having the map work with the PSP.  When making the map, one of my requirements was to have it work on the PS3. So far I've been sticking to that, but I've neglected to also include the PSP, a likelier candidate given that you could be referencing the map on your PSP while you were playing the game.

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Hell, yea, my best record in "crash mode" (¬¬ i want the original...) And now, photos!!!

The last photo is near the end. U can see, 970 crashes, x29, and 9215 m!!

The difference between PS2 and PSP in Burnout Dominator.

Are you wondering why sounds,car graphics,crashbraker and car damage are different in the training video and all other videos in the PSP?

well,here are the Difference:

1.The videos you saw on the PSP seems like they were recorded on PS2.

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Ranking up!?

Since Criterion is doing a “Long Weekend in Paradise” of ranked racing I decided to bring back one of my alter egos. Since this is not a US account I actually had to play Burnout Paradise offline to unlock cars to use for online racing. After 14 hours of offline play I had everything unlocked except for the WTR and PCPD F1 Car. I stopped my offline play at this point because I want to try other cars for ranked races and don’t want to be tempted to use the F1 car. BarryW over at Criterion finished the game 100% in 19 hours 45 minutes.

Got 6,000,000 points in a stunt run

Hey you guys should check out my Stunt run best 6,ooo,ooo i got tht was a x47 lol im proud of myself lol just kidden

Revenge, served cold!

It's been a while since my Burnout Revenge disc whirred in my 360, but thanks to Eezo setting up a mini tourney over at the xbox forums, Revenge whirred once more!

It was a lot of fun racing on Revenge again. I was paired up with Ichienkai, and we did battle with One Incognito and Bizzo. It was a really close battle too! tied up for the first few races, and if Ichi hadn't of taken me out at every opportunity we might even have gained the lead!

Play.Com Live!

Sunday morning 7am - Way too early to be up right??? well, we were on our way to Wembley to go to the Live show, and we live far away!!

Suffur, Xandu and I got to Wembley at about 11am and had a good look around the main floor and mezzanine levels. It was a smaller show than I thought it would be, with only a few pods for each game.

ILM: Upcoming Feature - Path Finding

There haven't been many updates on the map lately, at least not compared to usual.  The feeds update was the last substantial update, though even that wasn't very big.

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