

Well, I finally found the last two smashes in Harbor Town and White Mountain (they were in the bottom of the wuarry heading toward the dam . . . who knew?).  And today I finally entered the millionare's club.

Now all I need to do is get all the cars (I have two more left to get) complete all the stunt runs, and get my Burnout Elite License.  I just wish I had my wireless adapter so that I can show you guys my stats.

Wish me luck.

back in time

has really been that long since I blogged.. waiting for the paradise demo.. damn.. should really come on more.. think the reason I haven't blogged is due to my disappointment in paradise.. not that its not a good game.. it is.. it has done so much in terms of technology for gaming and the concept has so many possibilities it unbelievable.. its just not for me.. i never really like free roam.. maybe im just too set in my ways.. a race should be a specific route with the barriers..

Taxonomy upgrade extras:

I hate my internet, Part 2

I bought myself a good length of cat-5 cable (about 20 feet longer than I needed, but everything else was too short) and hooked my PS3 directly up to my router.  It does better, working well until it tries to connect to PSN.  At this point, I get the error:


I am not sure exactly what it means, as it keeps kicking my laptop off the internet now.  All I know is it takes all of my effort just to log in here and try to post this.  There has to be some way to keep both connected.

Any suggestions?

I hate my internet...

I used to run my systems online all the time.  I have a PSWii60, all 3 consoles.  All 3 would connect with ease, gaming online was fun, fast, and easy.

All of a sudden, for no appreciable reason, none of my consoles will connect over wireless any more.  No clue why, no reason, no change.  They just stopped accepting the wireless.

New Stratagy

I have just found a new stratagy for ranked races online.  I have used the Citizen for a few races and actually had success!  It'll be perfect when Cagney comes out and traffic is mandatory.  The best part about it is how it accelerates so much faster than the PCPD, so if one of them and you crash near each other, you can pull past them.  And, yes, I have won a race (almost two - I lost the other by .01 secs.).  It was on uphill, too!  If this works for you, too, let me know.


I'm listening to the Crash FM podcast 26 and have a bit to say, not a story cos its nothing new really, just stuff I want to comment on.

Burnout Team are talking about GCC, Game Changing Content as opposed to DLC, Downloadable Content. They hinted that they will not be charging for car liveries or new cars? so what will they be charging us for??? so far all the GCC that has been announced seems to be FREE!


Ikaruga is being released today on Xbox Live Arcade!  Although it is going to cost 800 M$ points so I might not actually buy it, I will DL the trial version l8r.

It's a really cool shoot'em up which I used to play on the Dreamcast.

Ikaruga on XBLA


I swear to god that last smash in Harbor Town is getting very frustrating to find.  I've been looking all over Harbopr town trying to find it.  I've even resorted to using the map and I still can't find it.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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