
I wrote this on the Criterion Forums, Addressed to all (i did not put that but it's a forum, so...), as well as...


...To the Team and Alex Plus High Lighteds etc

I have also put it here, because I was at the Party, so, Loyalty and the 2 T-Shirt have some value as well.  Plus, after some stories, an outside the doghouse view might be good too.

To the Team and Alex Plus High Lighteds etc ...

...and other great contributers.

It was said in one of the Earlyist Pod Casts, That People that Liked Revenge, might not like Paradise, a quotish from Alex Ward.

Something strange happened to me in Angel Valley....

There I was racing with a slightly inebriated Eezo thinking this should be an easy win or two for me!  But, having not played Revenge for a while the rust had settled in and I was battling for 3rd or 4th. I got a couple of sweet 2nd places on Motor City thanks to last corner takedowns too!

Then we hit Angel Valley...

Do you care about 60fps???

Maybe I should run that as a Poll topic.

I haven't been playing alot lately.. the sun and my garden have been far too tempting, but when I have been inside I have been watching Xandu play GTA IV. I have tried to play it myself too, but am frankly rubbish! so will wait til it rains and I feel more motivated to get used to the controls... anyway...

GTA vs Paradise


Don't you just wish sometimes that game developers would get together and jam for a couple of hour's, day's or heck just blend together.


I have been waiting for so many great games for the 360 and then being bitterly disappointed for their lack of playability for example Saint's Row was meant to be serious competition for the GTA series instead it turned into a wet fish sort of game.



Hello and welcome.

I found a bug in Paradise. It's premanent and I sure all of you have it in your games. It's amazingly serious, so we must inform Criterion about it!

Take a look:


Red Ring of Death (ish)

For some inconcievable reason, my console has been hit for the third time with the (explative, explative, explative) Red Ring of Death!  I just got it back in January!  But this one is not like the other two, at least I hope it is different. 

Crash TV at 4pm UK time Today!

The Crash TV podcast will be at 4pm today, that's about half an hours time. So, if you can't wait to hear that BIG announcement get over to and check it out!

The announcement is that Burnout will be heading to PC! see our front page story on this. More details will be announced in the 4pm TV Podcast.

We Need a New Poll!

But I am all out of ideas!

Please post your Poll ideas either in comments here or over at the forums in our Poll Suggestion Thread.

in other news...


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