
Added Replay Value

Burnout Team Rocks!! WooHoo!

I just caught up with the last 3 podcasts, listening to them on the bus on the way to work over the last 2 days. Contrary to what I had been told about the content being boring and not adding anything new, listening to them has reinvigorated my enthusiasm for Paradise.

Congrats on the people doing the 24's Of Paradise

Keep it going, I hope Criterion are using the time to see if the Voip, problem can be identified.

I was going to join but my Internet does not like me, going to see if there is a room now, since it is up and running, and cheer them on with Nytol, a herbal sleep remedy, and play soothing music, lol.

Online Clownshoes Behaviour

As I've mentioned in the forums, a couple of weeks ago I finally got my 100% and some nice gold and platinum paint for my cars. Nice. I'd now got 45 out of the 50 available achievements and was nudging ever nearer to maxing out the 1000 (something I'm not sure I'll ever do mainly down to the fact that I can't race online...but I digress...).

Stuntrun: Ignition

After buying Stuntman: Ignition from play dot com for £9.99 almost three weeks ago it finally arrived last Thursday. Initially I was planning to leave it nicely in my shelf wrapped in its plastic like so many other games in my collection. I’m a sucker for the £9.99 deals and it is hard to resist when the retail price for the same games here in Norway are £57.99!

My Chemical Romance

hkashdkhvhksdh Sorry I got writers block - had to type something or else I'll be sat here all day....

Crash Time Demo Review!

The Crash Time Demo is Out Now on the Xbox 360 Marketplace.

I downloaded it today, and have played through it, and had a lot of fun with it too!

I previewed Crash Time a bit in a previous blog which you can read HERE. It is based on a German Police drama TV show, so it has a story. The demo starts off with you working on a case "Beginner's Luck". You can choose 3 different difficulty settings and if you don't like the default controls you can choose between 3 different controller layouts.

Isn't it a Racing Game?

It's another question mark blog!

Criterion Games have hailed Freeburn on their site yesterday, stating that from the telemetry they get "Freeburn" is what most burner's are spending their time doing.

I just don't get it??? Isn't Burnout a Racing game???

Is Freeburn really what Paradise is all about?

I don't get on with Freeburning really, I can play for a little while, do a couple of challenges, maybe try to get a few PB's on Todays Best or Road Rules, but after a very short while I get bored and really don't want to Freeburn anymore.

C&VG Awards: Who will you vote for??

It's that time of year folks! Award season!!

Classic games mag Computer & Video Games have opened the votes for their 26th Annual Golden Joystick Awards.

Cast Your Votes Here

So what do you reckon? Does Burnout Paradise have the best soundtrack? Is it the best Xbox or PS3 game of the year? Are Criterion the best developers? Is EA the best publisher???


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