
Welcome to Tabbed Browsing

My Computersaurus has finally fossilised and been replaced by a super sexy and lightning fast black and silver beast with everything I could possibly need!

I no longer have time to make a coffee and round of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches while I'm waiting for my computer to boot.

I have no reason to swear at my screen because its frozen. I wont get headaches from the jet engine fans that I used to have.

I love my new computer!

Finally got em all

I have been spending quite a lot of time in Paradise City the last couple of weeks and two days ago I finally completed all the challenges. I've had lots of fun doing this.

On my way to 350

We have been playing quite a bit of Paradise lately... almost every day! The reason? to try to complete all 350 challenges before Cagney.

Xandu made it a couple of days ago, but I still have about 9 challenges left.. all 4 player ones.

I am hoping to get mine done next week.

Internet Access Denied!!

I feel as though my Revenge Racer has been clamped by parking attendents!

My workplace is bringing the hammer down hard on those who use the internet for personal reasons during worktime. Now, this may sound fair - after all they do pay me for the hours I am working, but it does mean that my forum and time has been severely restricted.

So, you may see my bold name a little less over at the forums, I may not post at all at and my name may appear less frequently in our online users list.

First week online

Thought I'd give a little update on my progress after a week online. I haven't been silly enough to play a *lot*, but I've usually managed to get online and play for about half to one hour a day. I'm presently at world rank 8859 and have been as low as 8155 earlier today, but a Road Rage took care of that. Not too shabby, eh?

Live debut

I finally did it! Yesterday I finally set things up (moved a network cable and used the redeeming code I got back in January for 3 months live play) and held my heart in my hands and... went live.

I started out with what I know best, Revenge, as I was waaaay too timid to try Paradise live, as I don't want to look *too* much like a loser to others. And my fears got proved.

Do you need directions to find your way to Paradise City?

I pass this sign every morning when I drive to work.  I guess this means that Paradise is actually in Norway?

Directions to Paradise City

Vanishing Voice Comms

As you all know, Paradise City suffers from a communication problem.

We have reported this on the forums over at Criterion in the hope of getting a quick fix to a bug which is stopping Paradise from being a great online game.

The fact that I can not always hear the other people I am playing Paradise with, has dampened my enthusiasm for playing online. Which in turn means, as I have completed the offline game, I have not played it much at all lately.


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