

Concerning this RRoD, my nephew's 360 have the RRoD over and over again. All 4 were lite up. Now it may be just his, but I took it completely apart since it was out of warranty and cleaned the motherboard off with a high power vacuum and component cleaner. It has worked great ever since (about 3 weeks now), so just a thought from my point of view.


Happy Gaming!!!!!!!

My eggbox has passed away.

While playing cod4 (of all the blooming games i could have been playing when it died it had to be this) yesterday, the rrofd appeared.


Can someone help me i know that Paul thinks im crazy for even doubting it so i thought id put the question to you guys is this for real?....or is just a scam trying to rip us off?.......i do have to

YOUR IN THE ......

MOVIES......well i watched the clip for this game earlier and i have to admit the  behind is an absolute clever one........on one hand it has endless hours of fun and entertainment........on the other hand it gives you the opportun

Learning to Drive - Update Pt 4

For those of you who don't know, I am learning to drive, you can read my previous blogs on the subject here:

Learning to Drive

Learning to Drive - Update

The Theory Test

My driving instructor thinks I am getting closer to test, so much so that he is going to arrange for me to do a mock test when I get back from holiday.

Coats, Floats, Goats and Boats


Oh,…. its you!...... Right,… errm. Now where was I? That’s right, I was playing on my game thing last night, a car game, same story whenever I play, I get the voices in my fragile mind and they call me a strange name…



Friends list blues. I’m pretty much up to my limit on my friends list, around the 99 mark.

Keep thinking to myself, clear some dead wood, make some new friends, etc.

Why Why Why?

............What is it with this game and all the new comers that it encounters........let me calm down here for a second.........First of all i

Closing the Divide

Yesterday Alex Ward intervened and posted a comment at the Criterion Games forum which helps to close the divide in the community. It seems that either the Elite posters were never going to get an exclusive car, but were given a beta but it was worded badly. Or that Criterion have backtracked due to the unfairness of it all and the forum riot that they had!


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