
Tried Cagney

and it was good!

I haven't enjoyed Paradise that much for a long time!

Edit??Cagney is set for the 4th of August, 2008

Good news, for Xbox 360 users, finally, so have a good weekend people as some of you maybe busy getting those Timed Challenges out of the way, but I'm looking forward to these new modes, and see if Ranked racing got better with this update?

Oh and Boostless cars?

Detail etc via web link, Live, lol:

Where did my Signature go?

EDit: I assume 10am UK time, Yes No??


Get Rid of that Welcome to Paradise. Home of the true addicts motto that you have up there. Its catering to only Paradise players which arent the only true and loyal fanbase for the Burnout series.

Cagney Release on the 24th?????

I have played Paradise for 360 for the past four days and have not seen this soo called Cagney update YET. Has it been postponed again for not being programed properly or is Criterion just pulling our muffler? If you have been able to download it let me know.

SUFFER is a Wookie

Being uneggboxless for over a week now, I have taken to other pastimes like drinking and watching telly.

Some of the drivel the T.V companies try to pass off as entertainment is ludicrous; you have three choices from the mainstream companies, Cooking, Soaps or reality TV.

Rank bouncing

I've lately been bouncing up and down the ranks list.

It started out innocently... race in a cool room, do pretty good and get rank at 6800-something. Then disaster strikes... first every crosstraffic in the place seems to cross right in front of me, so I'm hanging on to 6th place for dear life, and then... I freeze. Right in the middle of a drift around a corner everything just froze. Picture me cursing a dark blue streak and frantically leaping over the couch table for the power button on my 360.

Don’t it always seem to go, but you don’t know what you’ve got till its gone!

Last night in a desperate attempt to relieve the boredom I dusted down my old black eggbox, got a few old games outs, whacked it up to my broadband and hey presto.

 My old box is shagged, Not totally broken, but well on its way.

SUFFER said it was my DVD drive that was going.

 But never the less I soldiered on.

Smashes Bashes And Boredom...

Hey, Im new here but not new to Paradise City....Been there for a few months...Having fun online and whatnot, but in the meantime Ive been looking for the Last two things in Paradise City. A billboard, and a smash. And both of them are in Palm Bay Heights. But the problem is, the maps here arent helping. Just that one smash and billbord are giving me such a headache. Theres no way Im ever gonna find them....


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