
Ridiculous Road Rules!

I posted this over on Criterion Games forum, but it got locked pretty quickly and without a response from Criterion, so I am ranting here instead!

This is what I posted:

I was racing around trying to beat online speed Road Rules yesterday, and to my surprise I was Silver on Warren!!!

Cool! I thought, so I tried to beat my own time, which Xandu then beat, so I had to beat him again and I got a 3.73 which can still be improved on a bit I think.

Billion dollar showtime bust

Can anyone tell me why after getting over a billion points in Showtime,(twice!), it won't save it?I have 638,808,150, and twice now the game has not registered my new score.When I check it, it still says 638,808,150!

This happened to me once before on a stunt run, when I finished it, the screen said that I lost this event, and I crushed it.I did it over and had success.

Maybe I'm spending too much time in one area? (I-88) Any Ideas?I won't try this again until I know what I was doing to piss the game off.Too much time invested in 4100 cars, and 112 buses! to be let down.

A deal for Dodger?......

Right well i dont know where to start if youve read in a previous post about me and a bet ive just proposed to Dodger455.....then you know what it is ive done.....yep ive asked him to play and try Revenge for a whole month...and if he truly hates the game after 1 month......ill play Paradise solid for 2 weeks.....

Updated Links

I have updated some of the Links over on our Links page, as alot of the EA pages now direct straight to, I have removed them.  Some of the other links were also non-existant so have been removed.

I have added links direct to the Criterion Games YouTube channel and Flickr sites.

If you know of any other good Burnout or Xbox related sites that we are missing please let me know, and we will get them added.


Tried Ranked Racing again...

It's a bank holiday today in the UK and the weather is rubbish, so I thought I would take the opportunity to try out Ranked Racing in Paradise to see if it is any FUN.....

And it still isn't!

The few rooms I jumped into all had boost locks on slightly lower levels, 7 or 8 boost level cars. So I ran the Hawker in the 8 room and the Gamespot in the 7.

I won the first race, but then there were only 3 of us and the host quit halfway through??!!

Getting around in Paradise

So it's been a while... 2 weeks vacation away from the dear box, and tons of work waiting when I was home all conspired to make me feel hopelessly out of date.

Do you need more Burnout friends?

If you are playing Burnout on the XBOX 360 and want to extend your friends list with up to 99 BurnoutAholics you should keep reading...

As some of you probably know I own the gamertag BurnoutAholics. A couple of weeks ago at one of our BurnoutAholics meet-ups SUFFUR suggested that I should open up the friends list on BurnoutAholics and let members of join it so they easily can get in touch with other BurnoutAholics without filling up their own friends list.

which is the best stunt car?

which is the best stunt car? Because i use the gt flames and i keep missing some jump shortcuts. is this the cars or the lack of skill?

c'est la vie


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