
Oh No.. Bikes are Coming!

I know I am meant to be excited about the Bikes, but I'm really not...

OK, I might not feel that bored about it, but having just watched Crash TV episode 9 (go get it from ITunes, you know you want to), I am just not feeling the bikes... they don't look particularly fast, they don't crash in an exciting way, you can't get takedowns (presumably), and there is no boost.

Well I'm on my own...

My Dad's gone of the China with bad weather on the way and the Landslide, one of my brothers is in Texas, just about to be hit by Ike, and I was going to use this next couple of days to get my CV together and apply for some jobs at the Singapore gaming houses, don't know what to apply for yet, but I play games, do a lot of media work for myself  and some others, and handy with a camera, can do art, but there is a stigma attacted to that from my school dayz, so I don't rely on my art not that i have done much of that in the last 10 years or more.

Burnout Revenge vs Burnout Paradise

I recently purchased BO Revenge for XBox 360 and I will have to say that I am not as pleased as you all say the game is awesome. I feel like I downgraded myself from a Free Roam to a Pick a challange and hope that they are people online to race with. I like Paradise a lot more becuase you get the choice of doing free roam challanges offline or picking a room and doing challanges online. You can race against the best or the worst and still have fun doing it. For me Paradise is the only version that I will play.

Thought I would do a Blog from the Cybershop I was at Last year.

Since World Currancy seems to be up the creek, stuff over here is more expensive, even this internet time I am using.

There are new buildings everywhere, and I got into town so early nothing is open yet except 100 StarBucks, and the odd fast food breakfasts. The rest of the shops open at 10AM

Even mobile phones are now expensive so are the sim cards, so not sure what to do about getting a local sim card. Was going to get my phone unlocked over here but that cost is 10 times more expensive than the UK?

Good morning. 8AM Singapore time.

Hi everyone, and good morning from Singapore.

Fight was good on a Singapore Airlines A380, big plane still no room for your legs in a seat! Sat next to a Robot engineer, and had fun talking to him, watched some movies and stayed up most of the flight, did nap for an hour, but still had the head phones on due to small children crying.

Will tomorrow end when they fire up that atom masher in Swizerland, we will see.

Bargain NEW Games!

For everyone in the UK, Morrisons Supermarket is currently selling NEW games for £25! Bargain!!

I picked up a few titles this morning as I can't resist a good bargain!

The titles on 360 at my local store include: BF: Bad Company,  Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise, Too Human, Soul Calibour IV and Mercenaries 2.

Gaming and Politics

I am in a dilemma...

I recently looked through my friends list and noticed one of my American friends had changed their gamer pic and bio. Their gamer pic is promoting McCain for President, and in their bio they call for McCain-Palin '08. This really shocked me, as it is the polar opposite of my own political views.

I have always classed myself as a socialist, and recently took the Political Compass test and was in exactly the same spot on the compass as the Dalai Lama.

Liverpools Mechanical Wonder.....

HERE .................

London had its elephant, and now Liverpool has its very own spider. At 7.36pm, a giant yellow leg appeared from behind a building at the end of Salthouse Dock and a crowd who had been growing increasingly restive after standing for 90 minutes in the pouring rain screamed and shouted.


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