
The Blog after the blog am working on, Because I'm in Hong Kong, with the Tigers!

Well I am in HK, on Discovery Bay, staying with the Tigers, and I must say, they have got it made, and have changed my mind I want to live here, now!

This place is great, though no pool per say but a beach with a shark net, here fishy fishy!

The flight was cheap but no leg room.

And the first thing I played was Burnout Paradise, Bikes and it's ok, but the dark was a bit disappointing, and some issues with it over all but a good free download, when I get a good play on it may write a review, or may not.

At long last the gonads over at have decided in there infinite wisdom to put your friends list back to how it was, and about bloody time too, seven pages of friends was just too much, I like the 1 page thing, much easier to see which idiots are playing gaylo on your friends list. Have they changed anything else?? cause i'm not terribly observant.

Burnoutaholic Suggestions!

I think Burnoutaholics is a great spot to just post and do some stuff in. Obviously its still a growing website aim strictly at Burnout which is a good thing because the site focuses on a certain topic and not so much the confusion that other sites may bring out due to 10+ racing games being covered. I think this site has the potential to grow, but it may also have the potential to end because its just focusing on one game as well.


Lets go Blog Happy and just create Blogs for the hell of it!! Oops just earned 3 addiction points for writing this down.. Your going down Psychedelic Babe!


......OMFG............I AM SOOOOOO BORED...........well not only are we without xbox live we also have no access to the forums.....and we also cant play any of our arcade games.....and why are we doing all this? prepare us for the 'BIG UPDATE'......well i think it skcus.....and to think that were not g


With all this talk of Elitism and some people not wanting to enter it because they arent "fast enough" and not welcome, how about Burnoutaholics host a tournament. Maybe under that tag and hosting, people will join in and now worry so much about not being invited to tournaments...

PURE Musical Bliss!

We got PURE sent to us on Thursday, Thanks to pre-ordering at Game!

Xandu has played alot more then me, so this isn't my review yet... that might be my next blog.

I just wanted to Blog about the soundtrack, the PURE soundtrack IMO is what the Burnout Paradise soundtrack should have been.


PURE has a soundtrack which will make me put on the game just to listen to the music, literally.. The Music is on there and I LOVE The Music!

Tracks include:

Seems somebody likes my stuff........

 OMFG would you ever have thought it somebody actually enjoys reading what ive been doing much so that i have been asked if i would like to participate in writing content pieces for the main XLN site.....i have to say that i am really really excited....ive never really done anything to this extreme....ive


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