
Updates 2008-10-07

Another cool feature has now been added. now has its own account on and the profile is easily accessible from the flickr badge in the left sidebar.

Pictures from events, meet-ups etc. will be added as we get new content.

Edit: Also added a block showing our total number of active members at the bottom of the page.
Edit 2: Non members can no longer see "who is online" and "who is new".

Driving music or music for RL driving

Yesterday I had a bit of driving to do in Real Life... in this case about 450 kilometers (or 300 miles for you UK and US people), from Copenhagen to where I live. Now, we all know that driving while being sleepy is a Very Bad Idea, but I just wanted to get HOME! So what to do? Find some great music! And play it loud!!!

Your Best Online Experience?

Was it Decapitating your best friend with a Chainsaw to win an epic Gears Of War Battle or pummelling one of the Best Clans there is on Call Of Duty 4 and having them genuinely praise you for the win afterwards? 

Flipping the Motorbikes in GTA4 in the Airport trying to land on your mates Helicopter as he's peppering you with gunfire lol Maybe not that one so much

new burner

hey people, i,m totally new at this and i want to see what a burnoutaholic is and if "I" am one too(i think i am,i mean i bought my new 47"t.v. with burnout in mind) so what's this all about?and i'm not an online player YET!do i have to be? to me i haven't really found a racing game that grabs you by the testes and holds on 'til the finish line.It puts you in a good mood and rocks you...I LOVE IT

Burnout Paradise online cars

Just to clear up what cars are the best for Burnout Paradise online. Remember if your looking to win high ranked matches you really need to be up to speed (scuse the pun) on these cars and when to use them.

Feel free to add your ideas.

for the list of cars and stats got to


Updates 2008-10-05

I've done a couple of minor changes this morning. Here is the list:

What Browser is the best?

  Ok ive been having really bad problems as your all probably aware of and im now having to use SAFARI as my web browser instead of my usual way on the Internet i was wondering what browsers you guys/girls use?


You want to know whats cool? I was looking at the forums right and it shows your pic, ect, and the date you became a member. Wow, who would have thought that I joined this site when it was only a couple of weeks old. And heres Psychedelic who just joined a couple of months ago and shes got more aholic points than I do... LOL.. anyways, I thought that was a cool addition. That way we really get to see who are new here and who arent... LOL...


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