
The new ''BE THE ONE''

The Big One.......

EA takes over Trafalgar Square once again as part of this year’s London Games Festival.

The interactive extravaganza that is ‘BE THE ONE’ gives YOU the chance to play the latest video games, win prizes and play against YOUR heroes from the worlds of entertainment, sport and music.

any new updates soon?

 so i've been playing with the bikes for quite sometime, an i got all the trophies i can't really find anything to keep my interest anymore, i mean don't get me wrong i will still play Burnout but i was just wondering if anyone had heard anything about any updates coming out soon?

Vote Results.

OK so here are the results by number per vote for each event!


So as far as what people want to see the most depends on what i need to work the hardest on. 2 out of the 10 events did not get enough votes so they will not appear in hte movie.


top ten:

1. Race event

2. Road rage

3. Drift event/Mountain pass

4. Marked man

5. Cop chase

6. Stunt event

7. Rival race/ 1v1

8. Crash/Showtime evnt

Burner meet up, 20th 21st December

Ok folks, heres the deal, in December I thought it might be a good idea to have a get togther, By that time the tigers and SUFF will hopefully be back from the far east for the festive period, I have already been asking people on my friends list and quite a few have expressed intrest. Also drunk is off to pastures new in the new year so its also a farewell party for him.

The best place is going to be somewhere central to us all, so Derby looks like a good bet, plenty of bnb's and hotels (or we could all pile into omars campervan).

Trucks in Paradise?

Check out the picture below that was taken of an little incident that happened in Norway today. The big rigs got totally jammed and when they tried to reverse out of the situation their wheels got totally destroyed. I wonder how the driver to the left got out of his cab? An of course there were miles and miles of tailbacks on each side... wonder how they cleared road?


Burnout Movie help!

    Hey people I am corrently working on a project for a Cinematech for Burnout Paradise. I am working on the story for it at the moment. I wanted to know what are the top ten burnout styles/events do you want to see in the movie. This would help me be able to finish the story and know what people would like see in the film. I plan to use real people and put them in the cars VIA green/blue Screen.

Please send me a private message with what you want in any order you desire. In about 7 days I will post the results starting from the one people want to see most.

Burnout gone political?

Seems that EA-games are going political on us:

 From the article:

"Nine video games from Electronic Arts Inc., ranging from the extremely popular "Madden 09" football game to the street racing "Burnout: Paradise," feature in-game ads from the Obama campaign."

Free 512 mem card?

If you are one of the (un)lucky owners of XBox 360 Core or Arcade package Microsoft is now actually giving away 512 MB Memory Units for free! You can also get at 20GB Hard Drive for 20USD. Check out for more details on the offer.

The reason for all this is of course the new Xbox Experience which will require at least 128 MB of memory. Make sure you have less space than this available on your xbox before you register on the website.


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