
COD5 New Game Mode.

Avatars and Outfits.......

well ive been scouring for people who already have there avatars....i know its annoying isnt it when you want something and you find out that other people already have it .....well StonyArc [my boss on XLN] has his and this is what his looks like cool isnt it.....well i also noticed that MrPointyHead has his and hes designed his to look just like himself which is cool and all but i think im going to go all crazy and psychedelic on my avatar make it look really what are your ideas on the avatars a

After all this time...

Here what happened lately... I decided to get my rank up to 75,500. Just to see who will actually let me stay in and race afterall, they do know what my gamertag is when they see Nero Angelo on... I have raced some of these players before so they know exactly how I race..

Well, I went to some of their rooms and guess what I got kicked by players who are ranked 200 and 300?... Only three people let me stay in their rooms and guess who they are, Shout (153), Waterball (70), and Dark (200)...

Gaming and Politics.

In video games there are politics just like there are in the real world. Anyone that’s played an online video game long enough will find that the politics in games is almost as bad, if not worse than that of the real world.

We’ve been in multiple guilds and clans through out our gaming history and weve found people from all walks of life and enjoyed the company of others. After a while though you tend to start to see events form that lead to friction amongst others. Leaders clash with members, members clash with one another and so on.

Halloween Podcast

If you haven't already seen it, I recommend you go to ITunes and subscribe to the Crash TV podcast and download episode 11, The Halloween Special.


I was reading  jwillisjr's latest blog and it brought not just a smile to my face but a question to my lips.

As much as I enjoyed Showtime when I first purchased Paradise I haven't played that mode since picking up the achievement for beating the last road.

Does anyone still play this? Am I missing something that has added to the longevity for some people?

Paradise Confessions: Blackwolf22303 "The back of the Bus..."

Well, another day in Paradise city. Everything was going well, I raced a few people online and then got offline for some other kind of fun.  I found myself wondering pass white cars, red cars, Gillet vans and then it hit me...I am in a Takedown 4x4...and I hate these Buses.  For a while now the Paradise Metro has laughed in my face, mocking me as I tear through traffic but not through it. An here is where the story begins...

EA's Be The One '08

If you are in London tomorrow or on Saturday head down to Trafalger Square to check out EA's Be The One event and get some hands on gaming action on some hot new titles.

You can see Trafalger Square transformed on this live feed:

London Streeming Webcam over Trafalger Square

If you do go, make sure you let us know how it was



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