
Stuntrun x15 (make that x16) multiplier single jump

I made a video for you to see what is possible with a bit of flatspin during a stuntrun.

I don't know of a higher multiplier being achieved so far, but a x16 is possible

The same day I post this, I topped that.

Have a look at this video.

Xbox Advert Rant!

OK I can keep silent no more!


What are they trying to sell? How does seeing the inside of peoples heads with diarama's instead of brains sell video games??? And what is the spooky shaky camera close ups of spotty kids and freaky smiley people on trying to sell us??

New Look to!

Criterion Games have revamped their website again, and it kinda looks like they stole our colour scheme!! haha

Gone are the dark red back grounds in favour of a bright white look. It looks better I think, but go check it out for yourselves and let us know your views:

New Look

Edit - The Official forums are also getting a reskin to match the new website!

I'm making a note here, huge success.

Its here folks, you can have your cake and eat it. Portal: Still alive availible on the marketplace NOW. 680meg, 1200 points. mmmmmmm cakey goodness..

RROD - take 3

This day is just getting better!

Now for the third time my Xbox 360 has suffered from the Red Rings of Death!

It is only a few months out of the years warranty with Gamestation, so will need to be sent back to M$ for repair.

how do I unlock the marble car?

If anybody knows how I can unlock the marble car or the yoko blah blah car, I would really appreciate it if you could tell me.  I love paradise.  it is my fav amongst all of the games.  I am addicted.  :)  I have seriously maybe played other games for abt 1hr total since jan 28th, when my hubs bought me this game.  haha.    Any way any help would be appreciated.  Thank yo all

Practical Driving Test - take one

OK... about time I updated you all on my Driving Lessons, if you haven't been following this for the last year here are my previous Driving Lesson Blogs:

Learning to Drive

Learning to Drive - Update

The Theory Test

Learning to Drive - Update Pt 4

So this is Update Pt 5...

The Name!

             Ok every one in the burnout Communety has been a great help with this project. On last thing i wanted to know is What kind of a name would you guys give this movie??!


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