
working on my elite license...

 i'm finally down to 59 wins needed for my Elite License.  the next cars are coming at 53, 39, 25 (if i calculated correctly).

 - 66 cars + 4 sponsor cars + 1 steel wheels == 71 cars in my garage

 - i've currently beaten all of the burnouts for the cars in my garage

 - the "25 v16 revenge" burnout was a killer, it took me almost 2 days to get that one, but i finally got it today


I Beat the Test!

I got 100% on the multiple choice part of my driving theory test and a stonking high score on the hazard perception part too!

So, now I can concentrate on actually driving! Watch Out!!

Thanks for the Good Luck messages!

Gentlepersons — start your engines!

I have been recovering from a rather serious brain injury — three different stays in hospitals (several months) followed by some additional time in a convalescent home. Years of relearning.

There has to be SOMETHING wrong!

But there isn't. It's perfect. At first I was really sceptic about the concept of Burnout Paradise. I love racing games but to move the racing into an open, living, breathing city? Was that the right choice? Hell yes!

Learning to Drive Update - The Theory Test

As some of you may know I am learning to drive. I am taking lessons every Saturday and going for practice drives when I can.

Tomorrow after work I am booked in for my theory test, and I don't feel prepared!

So, tonight instead of playing Paradise I will be cramming for the test!

Wish me luck!!

Road rule madness!

so any way i was going through paradise city and i found some of my road rules taken over and i found that sega and Xandu took them from me so what i did was take them BACK!!!!! Xandu i got to give it to you man your time are tuff but ill beat them i found some was to help me do that also! glad to have a challenge gets my hearts pumping!! cheers mate!

My Impression of Paradise. And what I have learned, while there.

Learn to swear well. As repeating yourself gets boring? It use to be Tourettes Tuesday, now it’s every day, in this toreutic (to work with metal, I found this while looking up how to spell the other T-word, it was not there or I’m going to learn how to spell non-phonetically, lol) type game.

Hello !


Well, I'm now officially a Burnoutaholic, I suppose after a full weekend disappeared on Paradise it was inevitable wasn't it .

I've been a Burnout fan since playing the first game, and I have them all now!


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