
Booty, Booty, Bootylycious bloggs again

 I have taken someones advice and now wright my bloggs on a word sort of program, and heck I wish I hadent as I dont publish any of them, so yeah thanks for that SUFFUR your advice has cost me first place, cheers bud.....JK lol

When U know Yer Old!

We went to the Vue on Saturday, it's the big 10 multi-screen complex and it was packed!

We went to see Beowulf, which has a 12 rating in the UK - Not suitable for those under 12.

The first 5 minutes were so gory and violent, with people being ripped from limb to limb and the ugliest monster/demon with hardly any skin covering his guts and bones. There was sooo much blood that I turned to Xandu and said "I can't believe this is only a 12!"

Blogg Dogg


Burnout Guitar Heroes

Criterion have laid down the gauntlet for Burnout Guitar Heroes. The challenge if you choose to accept it, is to video yourself playing the Burnout music in a style of your own choosing. Upload it to You Tube and send the link to with "I Rock" in the subject line.

Get the Guitar Tabs Here!

Send me a PM with your YouTube link and we will immortalise your talent on the pages of BurnoutAholics!


I have no broadband.

It's bad if your xbox 360 is in for repair, and you have to wait for it, but if you have no broadband, it get scarey. Withdrawl is painful, like giving up hard drugs, hopefully back on on staurday, but still got the shakes, and blurred vision. Also due to a room move around, did my back in again, and couldn't walk for 2 days, but needed to leave to contact people and find an internet connection, to sort my mail and find work. Can't write any more, bye till after my net is back.

Xbox Originals will not have Achievements!

Earlier this week I listened to the latest Major Nelson blogcast and there will be no achivements or additional functionality for the XBox Originals. It will be just like playing them from the original disc.

Part Deux/part two/yr ail ddarn/anti bike blogg

 So you want to be a hero and look like the dogs bollocks, you want all around to think your the Man here is a tip don't double clutch, its lame, now I understand if your driving a very large wagon that was made in the 1950's and your climbing a very steep hill towing 3tone of rubble, but not if your on a CBR on a straight passing a couple of pedestrians who are not even looking at you, why would you do that, is your engine knackered!

running dry, no ideas, dang it

Hey Bloggy woggy, dude where have all the Racer's gone, its like they got taken away by aliens, came on revenge around 8pm last night  and there was like 4 ranked games (Crash and foreign players) and no one in unranked, roughly 50% of the people on my buddy list were added simply as they played revenge and now they dont I would delete them but then I would be billy no mates and I cant delete the chicks anyway, what happend to the good old days when you kicked people for a laugh, now you pray and beg and promise to let them win if they stay.


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