
A Change Of Blog

Gonna give the whole bike thing a day or two's rest - i don't wanna go too far with it but it will be finished - i might be as old as Bootleg when it does but hey i got those 20 years he's got on me in the bag  lol

My first Long one!!

well for me it is 2:30 am. and i thought i would just wrote a nice bloggy for all of you to read and ripe out your eyes .......... kidding!

Burnout Tourney

I keep searching the net for official burnout tourneys & competitions and alas i have found nothing, so why don't all the Burnoutaholics get together
and create one, a place where once a year burners from all over the world get to Race, Crash, & Road Rage. It may even go along way to producing our very own burnout pro league> Getting paid to play Burnout Mmmmmm Now That really is Paradise .

D Is For Don't Try This At Home & Dangerous Driving

Wheelies an' Stoppies.... man we all knew this was gonna turn up on here!

I know this journo guy called Tor - he might be from Norway actually thinking about it but anyway he has his own test riding website


wazz up Blogg Dogg, I have a banging headache this morning and had to leave Halo to many screaming Yanks (and they were my friends) I had a fun time on Revenge last night (after ichi left) Why do people think they are good because they have three digits, get over your self's, I did one comment about lap times and this crazy Yank went off on one, I don't care if your having a bad day or your gran cat passed away, learn to chill or don't come online, I met some great people last night and some ass bandits (sounds nicer than A Hole) anyway back to the reason of my Blogg it ain't about the poin

C's! Continuations: Comfort & Cats (Cats?) Complacency & Crashes

Before I go on i would like to say thank you to many for the kind responses to the Bike blog thingy! Especially Eezo (a bikin buddy no less) for the links you sent me today. Im hopin i may be able to copy and paste a little picture or two into this one, dont know if it can be done like but hey lets give it a go... if you see words you dont understand next to a big space then the picture thing doesnt work and i will plan to get a vertical on The Creator next time we race coz its his fault!

New logo

Some of you may have noticed that we have gotten a new logo for It's something I've been thinking about doing for a while and today I finally got around to it. I've tried to keep it clean and simple. The font has been slightly changed and the red is a bit cleaner and brighter.

If we decide to keep it we might see another batch of t-shirts in a while .

This is Paradise!

Tune into Crash FM and let DJ Atomika take you on a tour of Paradise City. The video isn't the best quality but it does give a good idea of what Paradise feels like.

Gamespot "Welcome to Paradise" Video



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