
This actually has something in it

a twenty five word entry easy peasy Bloggy, right to bussiness I have bought 4 new games in this last week and only one has turned out good so that is roughly 90 quid down the drain ( I got one for a tenner) Bionicle Heroes what a clap trap of a game the movement dosent work on it, the camera is to slow and its a damn lego game ( me being a noobo dident read the description) Two Worlds is crap I dont care what anyone says its total shite they have tried to copy Oblivion and failed shure some of the Graphics look good but heck so did Turok and we all know what that game was like, some people

Even More Life Without Burnout

So its Saturday night, i been working all freekin day and i have to come home to a Nintendo Gamecube with Resident Evil 4 and the original xbox and a sh*t load a games which are poo poo poo:  Retro gaming...


so.. i have finally done it..  I have actually taken thte time and sent in a question to the Criterion team around paradise and now I will wait for the ridicule that will be recieved due to no spell check and probably writing utter crap..


should i have played up to there ego to get on there good side..


theres a thin line between genius and insanity, i think i've fallen off..

FAQ: 101 uses/ways of The Whispa Bar.

Dam, twenty-five word bollocks, i have to wirte some more stuff just so it will count as a bloody blog, by the way I am happy just in case anyone did not notice and am having fun, lol.

1. A  cuppa hot chocolate, use it as a drinking straw.

2. Eat it!

For the rest of the bored ones please continue?

old skool....

so was off work yesterday so I could go on my boarding session in evening (freestyle snowboarding) and while passing the time through the day i thought 'hey my Burnout 3 profile is corrupt let me make a new one' and so i did...


Life Without A 360/Burnout!

Yes it does exist i have found out to my suprise!  I guess a lot of gamers use computers and game consoles in moderation and that's a great thing:  but me well i have an addictive personality and go through stages of madness where i cant put something down until it dies or tries to kill me lol  I can readily blame the 360, Burnout in particular,  for me not being attentative in a certain relationship, result?  Relationship over - no i wont be a man and stand up and say it was my fault, it was burnouts fault: aint that the truth.

List of ten features every game should have.

I got this of Majornelsons site, but put the link up from the original page.


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