
My Motorcycling A-Z.... Literally!

K I have been thinking more and more about the things around me when i ride: i have issues (mental usually!) but im hoping to channel my frustrations into the form of a little blog.  Maybe i can raise a smile from a few people, thats a motivation for this and i know i laugh at myself usually for no reason - there go the mental issues again! 

300 yeah

Morning Bloggy, and a fine one it is a bit dark and cold but hey I made it, the first member of burnoutaholics to reach 300 addiction points, I would like to thank every one for the support  and encouragement in reaching this amazing personal achievement, I would like to thank you Bloggy in allowing me to reach this milestone in burnoutacholic history, I would like to thank Zombie for inviting me to join (yes its her fault) I would like to thank SUFFUR for giving me a reason to post, also Sonic for spurring me on and to ichie for helping me with my english and to Foxy (ichie's bird) for all

Update 01-11-2007

It has  been a while since my last "updates" blog now. Today I did another couple of changes in our menu system. The "fun time" menu item is now gone and eveything that was in it is back on the BurnoutAholics menu. We felt that we were kind of hiding some really cool features and wanted to get them back to the surface.

return of the habbit

Evening Bloggy, just seen my addiction points and seeing as I am so close to the 300 mark I thought I would post a bit and see If I can be the first member to reach it (cant count The Creator obviously) and then I can call Sonic a noobo and laugh at him constantly or maybe he can laugh at me and constantly call me a noobo with to much time on his hands, yeah whatever bring it, Urm it would seem that good news is all round today with Zom and Xan doing the lets get marriied thing  n ice man and I am yet again a Uncle to a baby girl whose name I can just about remember and that no english pers

Official Announcements

This week seems to be the week for official announcements, so I thought I would add one of my own.

Xandu and I are engaged! WOOT!!

Just passing time

Afternoon Bloggy, dont get exited I am not back to my old form, just bored wittless you see Bloggy I am confined to the Office today and its kinda boring, there is only so many times you can read wikipedia before your eyes get blurry and start to run and then everyone thinks you are crying, I dont really know what to write about, there is nothing new in Bootleg World, not played any Revenge lately apart from two races on Sunday, Realy getting into Halo 3 what with the map editing tools, I still think Skate sucks yet I seem to play that mostly, Oh and I made someone change their gamertag, it

The further adventures of the Criterion 205.

While I upload pictures, to a friends ISS site on Facebook, my old school, I will try to remember who I raced with and how bad and good I was,But foloowing Zombies thread, yes it was great to be back on Burnout 3. But those voice coms are very quiet, any thing can be done about this? We had Evil Kon, Unhingedrisky his nee name, by the way, Zombie, drunk, and someone else, own up in a comment if you can?

Extra Hour for Burnout 3

Thanks to the clocks going back on Sunday I used my extra hour to play Burnout 3 again. I have not played it for a while but we got a good full room going and ran some Road Rages for old times sake!  

There is now a Burnout Paradise forum at we have added a link to this on our links page.

I had a bunch of Kids knock on the door yesterday Trick or Treating, I told them they were 2 days early, but I guess this means I need to get some candy incase they come back. Pesky Kids!


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